Young Living’s Video Spotlight on Our Thieves Story

I’m sure you are all ready for some present-day posts after recollecting Hudson’s Birth Story for the past many blog posts, and I’m ALMOST ready to go forward from here. Good things are ahead. Promise.

However, I PROMISED when I was pregnant that I would reveal our Young Living Thieves video clip when it was released, and guess what? They released it at their International Convention in front of thousands the day after Hudson’s early birth. Although it was fun seeing friends post it and see snip-its of their own excitement the few days that followed, it wasn’t even close to the forefront of our minds. I know that God’s timing was perfect even in this, because it introduced our family in a personal way, as those whom we loved there shared our need for prayers. It was amazing to hear from friends even months later who prayed for Hudson’s life during the most critical days of his little life.


We had SUCH an amazing time with the video crew when we filmed, but were anxious to see how it would all come together. I was nervous about my interview portion and felt like I stumbled on my words a ton, but they covered me well! I think Young Living is the ONLY company I would ever agree to film with late in pregnancy!!!! Hahaaaa! I loved that so much of it was just LIFE. Nothing fancy or scripted, just our home and something that we LOVE.

So without further ado…

As you can see, Thieves has really has changed our home. I’m so thankful to replace my whole under the sink stash with such a natural and safe alternative products that my kids can use!

Young Living has been such a needed and beneficial lifestyle change for our whole family. It all started with a kit that contained 11 oils and a diffuser. I had no idea over two years ago the impact it would make on our health and well-being!

The Premium Starter Kit that we started this journey contains everything you need to get started. We use something from this kit DAILY in our family, the perfect place to start your own family off on a better path! #KnowBetterDoBetter


And just to make the deal even SWEETER…


Because I believe in this kit and how it can change your home, I want to share a bottle of Thieves Cleaner with you when you sign up for a Premium Starter Kit through October 31st This cleaner is AMAZING. We use it for countertops, toilets, mirrors, floors, YOU NAME IT! Signing up is super easy and there’s no obligation to sell, order, or any other annoying strings attached. I’ll walk you through it when you click hereOh and Young Living is adding a bonus bottle of Oregano this month, so it’s just too good to pass up! 

***{Just let me know in the comments that you signed up due to this post, so I can get the FREE bottle of Thieves Cleaner sent to you!}***

We’re honored to share our Thieves story, and hope you’ll have your own to share soon!!! 

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