Ch-Ch-Ch Changes…..

Fast Developments: (Observations from Dad)

Jen recently blogged about how quickly our boys are developing in the area of mobility. Well, it is due time to update that progress. They continue to do new things almost daily.
Last week while I was at work, Jen called me to say that upon returning from changing a dirty diaper, she found Brooks standing at the exersaucer, STANDING!!! I said, WHAT?!? He fell and whopped his head on the floor shortly after that, but what a huge leap he has made in the past week or two. After comforting little Brooks after his spill, Jen put him back on the floor. Within a minute or two, Jen caught him doing it again on video!

Clark continues to roll around for the most part. His favorite activity lately has been rolling underneath the coffee table, then smiling, giggling, and rocking back and forth until he cracks his head on the table and cries.

Henry is a very adventurous little boy right now. He is going to be a musician, he has already learned to play the foot pedals on the piano. I am okay with him learning the pedals first, they are much quieter than the keys! Henry also learned to climb into the bottom of the exersaucer recently. Unfortunately, it is a pretty hard and slick surface, and he has ended up face planting both times he tried it which ended in tears.

Isaac has to be the happiest 8 month old alive. This kid spends much of his wake time laying on his back, screeching, screaming, and giggling. Many people who come to the house think he is upset at first and go to help him, only to find him smiling from ear to ear as he squeals for joy. He has also recently learned that we want him to smile when we get out the camera. As soon as he sees the camera in our hands, he looks up and smiles.

Our family continues to do well. God has blessed us beyond imagination, and we intend to be thankful for all we have.

Thank you all for keeping up with us, and thank you to all of you who wished my beautiful wife a Happy Birthday. We blew past the 100 comment mark, which really surprised us both! It was really fun for Jen to get on through the weekend and read all the wonderful comments, thank you so much!

Brad, Jen, Henry, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac

3 thoughts on "Ch-Ch-Ch Changes….."

  1. brittany says:

    It was great to see your “crew” at church Sunday morning. I feel like I already have seen them and knew them from checking here almost daily. Lauren was so excited to have gotten 3 of the 4 of them to smile. Thanks for sharing your miracles with us! God is so good!

  2. Kiley says:

    How exciting. You are in for some great fun when they all get more mobile!!! I love it! As always…I love all of the adorable pics.

  3. Marathon momma says:

    You guys provide me with so much encouragement. I know if you can do it with 4 then I can do it with 2 :)!

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