Crazy Love
I don’t do book clubs. I’ve never participated in one. I’m not a literature buff. I don’t wear smarticles (spectacles + smart) when I read. I don’t journal.
I do enjoy a good read. I particularly enjoy a book that makes an impact. One that I don’t tuck away on the bookshelf when I’m finished, but one that stays within reach, or that I lend to someone else, because I’m so touched by the words, that I can’t let them be forgotten.
When I saw that my favorite blogger Angie from Bring the Rain and her friend Jessica were starting an online book club, I quickly skimmed the post and counted myself out for a variety of reasons:
1. I hadn’t heard of the book.
2. We are on a tight budget right now, and I didn’t want to spend the money on a personal item.
3. I’m in the middle of 3 reads at the moment, and I didn’t want to start yet another one, without finishing the others.
4. I didn’t think a book club was my cup of tea.
5. I don’t normally read books with “Crazy” in the title, because I already have all the crazy I can handle.
I stumbled upon the book during a date the other night at Barnes and Noble. The red cover jumped out at me from a distance, so I decided to add it to my pile, and took a seat beside my handsome date. Needless to say, the rest of my stack of magazines and books went untouched as I was sucked into the compelling words of the Introduction and Chapter 1.
While I await my own copy to arrive (I ordered it from for $8.50), I read up to Chapter 2 on Google Books (completely free). I really would encourage you to join Angie, Jessica, myself, and hundreds of others as we tackle Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God together. They’ve set up a blog and a community for this specific purpose. You can find out where to purchase the book here or order your own copy here.
Everyone is invited, no matter where you are on your journey with Christ. I think it will grow us, challenge us, and strengthen our faith…and how fun would it be to do this TOGETHER?????
From what I’ve read so far (and so far I’ve LOVED it), this isn’t your typical pat you on the back sort of Christian book. Rather, it’s about the Creator of the Universe’s affection towards us, and how we should pursue our relationship with Him.
I don’t usually use YouTube this often on my blog.
This video will make you “Stop and Think” (about getting the book and joining in!)
[youtube=]Leave me a comment to let me know you’re “IN” and I’ll see you over at Bloom!

PS A shout out to my sister, who is also a Brady Bunch Enthusiast, who is also reading…which I think is our first time to read a book together. Love you, sis!
I particularly love the chapter titled "your best life later", a pretty obvious shot @ Joel O'Steen who I dislike as much as Francis clearly dislikes. Very good book.
yay, I have NEVER been the first to leave a comment on your I had to get a little excited! Thanks for the book recommendation, I LOVE to read, and I will add it to my list to get and read, thanks!
I am doing the Crazy Love book club too! excited to see you're doing it!
This book has already been discounted! It's $8.99 at Amazon with free shipping if you have other items you need/want to get to the $25 threshold.
KarenM in NC
yay! i've been wanting to read this for a while. a friend of mine recommended it a while back but i haven't had the guts to get challenged yet. i'll hop on over to amazon in just a bit and get this one purchased, it's way overdue!
I'm a part of the book club also. I've loved the book so far and can't wait to get deeper into it. It's been very uplifting and fun!!
I connected to your blog through a friend's…I read this book awhile back. It is challenging, thoughtful, and truly led me to search Scripture as I read it. I would definitely read it again, so maybe now is the time to do that!
I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE Frances Chan. He is girted by God! I happen to have that video from youtube…love it!
I have heard such good thngs about this book…count me in!!!:)
Hey Sandy, Sorry to say, I beat you to the 1st comment! 🙂
PS, if you are looking to score it on the cheap, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Amazon's Kindle store, and you can get the kindle app for the iphone/ipod touch if you don't want buy the actual device. Most books are avail for under half price of the physical book, and I think very readable on the ipod/iphone. Much easier than carrying a book w/ you, and easy to have lots of books avail at any time. Doesn't really save you $ if you don't have or plan to have a touch/iphone/kindle I guess, but it's only $6.50 for the e-version. And eco-friedly. Yay.
Good morning. I followed you over here from Multiples and More. I am a mom to twin two year olds and enjoyed reading your story about the room separation. We had the same problem and no naps were fraying my nerves as well. The boys are now separate and I think it was MUCH harder on me than them, emotionally. Of course it is MUCH better for naps and bedtime. I love the framing story books idea. Thanks!
I'm in and I saw you on the Ning site!! I'm still getting thru the first chapter but I'm LOVING IT!!!
I enjoyed your interview on Multiples and More! I heard that book Crazy love was awesome. One of our pastors read it!Now I am going to have to get it!
Awesome, incredible book! We used it in our small group and LOVED it. It has joined my short list of books to read every year… I love his perspective on worry and stress–makes me think twice before getting myself worked up over things.
aren't the best dates always at barnes'n'noble?! =)
I just ordered it! Cannot wait to dig in! 🙂
Thanks for resource and the chance to bond and grow in our Lord.
Mandy Hines
I absolutely loved this book. Loved it in a wow, that really stung because it was so right on kind of way.
Good book. I had a link up for a free audio Download of it up a month or so ago but it's not there anymore. 🙁 I listen to Cornerstone's Podcast upon occasion and have heard Chan speak (he's even better in person than in print). 🙂
I'm IN! Better late then never, right? I am a fresh Catholic convert with deep protestant roots. I'm looking forward to the challenge! Thanks for recommending it!