Once A Month Cooking – Holiday Style

tricia once a month mom My sweet friend, Tricia, is a phenomenal “foodie”.  She specializes in Once a Month Cooking or Freezer Cooking, by planning ahead so she can have easy to prepare meals on hand all month long. It’s a superb idea – and one of these days I’m going to take the plunge and do an entire month’s of cooking in a day (or two).

With the holidays approaching, making holiday helpings ahead of time makes practical sense.  This way you can focus your attention on the more intense holiday foods, cleaning, shopping, etc. When Tricia announced that she was going to do a Once A Month Cooking Holiday Ebook, I couldn’t wait to help her promote it!


I love how she’s incorporated the classics and few new tastes as well.

Here’s a sampling of some of the recipes contained in the Holiday ECookbook*:

  • Veggie Pizza
  • Pumpkin Cheeseball
  • Scalloped Corn
  • Freezer Mashed Potatoes
  • Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Slow Cooker Stuffing
  • Make Ahead Butterhorn Rolls
  • Turkey Baste
  • Cranberry Mustard Ham Glaze
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Caramel Apple Pie Trifle

Oh. My. Yum! On top of the recipes the ECookbook contains grocery lists, instructions, recipe cards, photographs, step by step visuals, and labels. It’s also customizable for a serving size of 8 or 16.

Tricia is offering the readers of 4tunate a special discounted price of $5.99 through November 1st. Use the code: OAMM40 at checkout. (It will normally sell for $9.99.) And she’s also generously allowing me to give one away!

~ Leave me a comment telling me about your favorite holiday dish, and you’ll be entered to win your very own copy!

Bonus Entries:

~ Become a Fan of Once a Month Mom on Facebook. (Or let me know you already are a fan!)

~ Become a Fan of 4tunate on Facebook. (Or let me know you already are a fan!)

I can almost smell the holiday foods cooking now!


* Links to an affiliate.

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday at We Are That Family.

73 thoughts on "Once A Month Cooking – Holiday Style"

  1. Josephine says:

    My favorite holiday dish is my husband’s turkey (and all the fixings that go with it make it all the better!!!)

  2. Josephine says:

    I’m already a follower of 4tunate on facebook!

  3. Danielle Barton says:

    My favorite food is MASHED POTATOES! My mouth is watering as I type the words! YUM!

  4. Danielle Barton says:

    I am a follower on facebook!

  5. Kathleen says:

    Turkey and dressing!

  6. Kate in Austin says:

    My fave holiday food is broccoli/rice casserole. I know you can make it any time of year, but I guess it is always the dish I contribute at gatherings.

  7. Kate in Austin says:

    I’m a 4tunate Like(r) on FB.

  8. Naomi says:

    It would have to be home-made cheesecake with a delicious chocolate sprinkling on top!

  9. Suzy says:

    I pretty much love pumpkin pie!! And I would love to win this book … I have started doing my own freezer cooking, one recipe at a time (much more doable for me than setting aside a whole day … I can fix a few batches of one recipe during nap or after the kids go to bed). 🙂

    Keep up with me, Ted, and our Fab Four at four-by-two.blogspot.com

  10. JENinMICH says:

    I am going to look into this. It sounds great!
    My favorite dish is ham. I always want ham and no one else does.

  11. Amberley says:

    I love Tricia’s website, I have been reading it for quite some time. Her ebook looks wonderful!

    1. Amberley says:

      Oh and my favourite holiday dish is Apple Crisp!!

  12. Melissa Y says:

    My favorite dish is cornbread dressing (I wasn’t introduced to this until a couple of years ago).

  13. My favorite dish is a hash brown casserole. It’s almost at the top of the list for required food during the holiday season. With my work schedule getting into full swing beginning the Monday after Thanksgiving I could use tips and pointers for cooking in advance. I usually end up staying up the whole night before trying to cook everything at once and then I’m too tired to enjoy the holiday itself.

  14. Tiffany says:

    My favorite has to be cold pumpkin pie with whipped topping of course!!

  15. Emily says:

    My favorite is definitely my mom’s amazing cheese ball that we snack on all morning while we cook everything else 🙂

  16. KS Dallas says:

    I can’t say I have just 1 favorite dish – I love the whole Thanksgiving meal. Stuffing, green bean casserole and sweet potatoes would have to be at the top of the list – if I had to narrow it down.

  17. Marissa says:

    My favorite holiday dish is the smoked sausage our family makes every New Years’ Day!

  18. Marissa says:

    I just became a fan of 4tunate on facebook!

  19. Marissa says:

    I am now a fan of Once a Month Mom on facebook!

  20. Debbie R in Grayson says:

    My grandmother’s turkey stuffing is the fav at our holiday table.

  21. Debbie R in Grayson says:

    Already a follower of 4unate on facebook

  22. sioby says:

    hey my favorite dish is the dressing and I love ham w/ honey glazed and also my Mom’s homemade chicken and noodles….my Mom and Annie both do a lot of freezing food =)…
    and that cook book sounds nice!
    sweet pic of you and your friend!

  23. Liberty says:

    What a GREAT giveaway! I would just love.the.book. The whole shebang is what I’m interested in. The grocery lists, recipe cards, it all sounds FABULOUS and like it might push. .me.over.the.edge to actually DOING IT!!

  24. LIB says:

    I am a FAN of your both now…

  25. amber says:

    my fav is mashed potatoes!! I need to find a recipie to freezer cook them so that is 1 less thing that has to be done the date of all of the family coming to my house 🙂

  26. Miranda says:

    I love stuffing! And believe it or not, I prefer StoveTop over homemade LOL 🙂

  27. Melissa Hess says:

    I became a fan of 4tunate and Once a month cooking on facebook. So excited to check them both out. As for my favorite holiday food, I have to say, left over turkey that’s cold on bread with mayo. LOVE IT!!

  28. punkinmama says:

    Hmmm… my favorite holiday dish… there are too many too name, but I’ll go with Christmas cookies (the traditional cut-outs with frosting and sprinkles)! Cookies probably aren’t a “dish”, but I wouldn’t mind making a meal of them!

    Also, I would love to be so organized to be able to do OAMC! I have a friend who does it and I know it has got to make life simpler. One of these days…

  29. punkinmama says:

    I am a Fan of 4tunate on Facebook.

  30. punkinmama says:

    I just became a fan of Once a Month Mom on Facebook.

  31. kat says:

    I love, love dill bread and creamed corn!!

  32. kat says:

    a fan of 4tunate!!!! Don’t know why I didn’t add you sooner. I love following your very inspirational blog!

  33. kat says:

    Thank you for this post! I am so excited to start some cooking. I am now a once a month fan on facebook!

  34. Sonya says:

    My favorite dish has to be either the sweet potatoes w/ brown sugar & pecan topping or the homemade noodles!

  35. Sonya says:

    I “like” 4tunate on Facebook.

  36. Sonya says:

    I now “like” Once a Month Mom on facebook.

  37. I seriously canNOT pick ONE thing… I love turkey, potatoes, and stuffing all mixed together and smothered in gravy. Mmmmmm, my nouth is watering!

  38. Danielle says:

    My favorite holiday foods are broccoli/carrot casserol, and stuffing

  39. Amber says:

    I just ‘liked’ both you & once a month mom on facebook!!

  40. Carole says:

    Favorite holiday food – anything pumpkin!
    I’m a 4tunate follower on FB

  41. Mary Klauer says:

    Oh my gosh, I love love love Orange Fluff! So amazing!

  42. Mary Klauer says:

    I am a 4tunate fb fan!!

  43. Mary Klauer says:

    I am a new Once a month fb liker! I absolutely love this idea, especially with 3 young kids!!

  44. Lorraine says:

    My Holiday favorite would be turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing.
    I can’t get enough on Thanksgiving. LOVVVVVVVVE IT!!!

  45. Tricia says:

    I do a Christmas brunch and love to make french toast casserole with caramel syrup!

  46. Aimee says:

    LOVE some yummy potato’s–scalloped, mashed, baked–doesn’t really matter 🙂

  47. Aimee says:

    I’m a follower on FB

  48. Aimee says:

    Now following Once a Month Mom!

  49. Tricia says:

    Like once a month on FB and 4tunate on FB

  50. Mindy says:

    It’s a toss-up between fried turkey and green bean casserole made with homegrown green beans.

    I am a follwer of OAMM and 4tunate on FB!

  51. Jan says:

    Already a fan on Facebook! I would love to have a cookbook – some girlfriends and I have talked about getting together to cook up meals for a few months.

  52. Mar H says:

    Favorite holiday dish would definitely be the desserts – pumkin pie (with Cool Whip!), Christmas cookies including my grandmother’s molasses cookies and Mexican wedding cake cookies.

    I don’t do true OAMC but I do try to double or triple the batch and put 1 or 2 into the freezer everytime I make a dinner that freezes well. Such a help to have easy meals to pull out of the freezer on crazy days. Works for me.

  53. Amanda says:

    LOVE OAMC…and would LOVE this ebook. my favorite is the ham we always have at Christmas…i know, boring, but tasty! 🙂

  54. Amanda says:

    i already like 4tunate on FB

  55. Amanda says:

    i like OAMM on FB

  56. Kelly O says:

    This would be great, Jen! I have been thinking about trying this out! I can’t wait for the holidays – I am a HUGE Christmas cookie maker – iced sugar, peppermint candy canes, “Hershey Kiss” cookies – you name it! Love it! I will “fan” the other two sites, if I haven’t already!

  57. Amy/4thFrog says:

    From October through December, I love to indulge in cranberry orange muffins.

  58. Amy/4thFrog says:

    I’m already a fan of yours on FB and now I’m a fan of OAMM, too!

    1. Sandy says:

      how can i begin to pick just one fav holiday food, sis? i love it all from the cheeseball, vegie pizza, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin choc chip cookies, cherry delight, your mashed potatoes, etc., etc. I love it all! Need to say more? Love you girl and excited to share the holidays with you and all the fam!!

  59. Diane Brooks says:

    Hi, my favorite holiday dish is Cranberry Salad. Ours is packed with nuts–walnuts or pecans, celery, and is a vivid red with a bite from the cranberries. We serve it with a zesty lemon dressing. It is a little healthier than some of the other traditional dishes. 🙂

  60. Diane Brooks says:

    I became a Fan of Once a Month Mom. Bonus!

  61. Diane Brooks says:

    I also became a Fan of 4tunate. 🙂

  62. Paula says:

    My favorite dish is sweet potato casserole so I can’t wait to make that. Plus the pumpkin cheeseball sounds yummy too!

  63. Paula says:

    Already a fan of Once A Month Mom on FB.

  64. Paula says:

    Just became a fan of 4tunate!! 🙂

  65. My favorite holiday dish is anything with Pumpkin in it.

  66. I am already a have of 4tunate on facebook.

  67. Erika says:

    I love to cook for the holidays! I love making the turkey, potatoes, rolls, but what I like best is baking cookies, cookies, and more cookies. I just try not to eat any!

  68. My favorite holiday dish is sweet potato casserole, made light and fluffy with egg whites then topped with a butter, sugar, pecan, and flour topping. Yummy!

  69. I “like” Once A Month Mom on facebook (Jen V.)

  70. I “like” 4tunate on facebook (Jen V.)

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