Snake Oils? A Dude’s Perspective on Essential Oils



A year ago, I made fun of Jen’s “Snake Oils“. Today, I use them literally daily. When I am wrong, I am wrong.  I’m man enough to admit it.

I was honestly the biggest skeptic around when we started this stuff.  Jen was trying it, and I was laughing at her.  Honestly, I owe her an apology for my pride and my tendency to think I know everything.  I was being “logical”, and just didn’t think it made any sense.  Well, once I saw some results, it made me curious.  Since then, I have educated myself on the body and it’s ability to absorb things from the skin.  We do ingest some of the oils, but most of the time it’s applied to the skin.  Turns out, many pharmaceuticals are applied through the skin as well, it’s a scientific fact that this is an effective way to get things into our blood stream.

What has convinced me more than anything is results.  I didn’t want to believe it and be wrong, but I am practical like most other guys.  It works, and that’s enough evidence for me.

>>>A word to suspicious husbands out there:  I know it seems crazy, but if you will just give it a fair shot, you’ll be convinced too.

What I have learned this past year:

Pounding Head:

Not 100% of the time, but I have had at least 10 occasions that I’ve found relief almost instantly when applying Peppermint oil to my head.

Kids with Hot Foreheads:

When I feel a kid with a warm forehead, it cools dramatically and quickly with Peppermint almost every time with the kids

Work Tension:

This one is weird, but when I get that knot in my stomach from all of my work pressures, I pray first and ask the Lord to take my anxious thoughts, but I use Stress Away oils to remove the physical knot in my stomach. Works most of the time and helps me stay focused on what is important.

Skin Imperfections:

One of the kids has a tiny wart on the inner rim of his nose. Poor kid. Theives Oil and Frankincense (yes, the biblical stuff) has been helping dry it up this week.

Crawling Noses + Seasonal Discomforts:

This was near the beginning when I was really skeptical. Brooks had a reaction to something in his pillow we later figured out. He would go to bed and come right out with a sniffle, terribly itchy nose and eyes, and sneezing. I was amazed that when Jen rubbed Lemon and Lavendar oil on his chest, it ceased and he settled down to sleep.

Fire Throat/Belly:

I don’t get it often, but it hits once in a while without mercy. A couple drops of peppermint oil in my water to drink. It literally feels like ice rolling into my stomach. Its awesome.

Stinky Feet and Clothes:

We have stinky kids with stinky shoes and stinky laundry. Purification is amazing at removing stink. One drop in my running shoes removes at least 70% of the smell. Perfect for adding to your laundry if your towels smell stale or you forget to transfer it to the dryer. It removes environmental smells like pets, smoke, etc. when diffused as well.


I’m Sold on Young Living Essential Oils!

I can’t believe I can say that honestly, but it’s the truth.  Ladies, do you have a husband who thinks you’re nuts for wanting to try them?  I would advise you to hang in there and give him time.  Guys typically think logically about things, and he will see them at work. Contact me if you want more details or convincing at {brad at 4tunate dot net}

So thankful to Jen for sticking with them, they have blessed my life greatly!

~ Brad (the oily guy)

*** Don’t forget Jen has FREEBIES for new sign-ups this month!  One of my personal favs Thieves soap – It even takes the fish smell off your hands after fishing! That’s soap good enough for a dude! Check out the All You Need to Know About Getting Started With Essential Oils Page.  



One thought on "Snake Oils? A Dude’s Perspective on Essential Oils"

  1. Lisa Pfeifer says:

    I LOVE seeing a DUDE talk about oils! How cool is that! We started using Thieves oil about 3 years ago. After using Thieves for over a year and not having any sick visits, I heard there were more oils! Took my hubs a while, but he has come around too. We are coming up on our 3 year anniversary of no sick visits, urgent care, or ER visits! Last night at the table my hubs asked a question, and my 6 year old called out from another room, “Dad, sounds like you need Peppermint oil.” We just burst out laughing. We love this oily life!

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