Our Sure Signs of Spring
The soundtrack of backyard wiffle ball, basketballs bouncing on the driveway, competitive laps around the house, and soccer goals being scored
Neighbor kids congregate in our backyard and in our driveway
A rising water bill with required frequent showers
Countdowns for school ending
Mud clods accidentally tracked inside
First tastes of shaved ice for the year
Walks in the woods while kicking down mayapples and swinging sticks like machetes
Overflowing laundry baskets
Cheers and shouts echo through open windows
Neglected jackets hung in the entryway
Knees and legs bare scrapes and scratches
Freckles that appear the more the sun shines
Late fire pit nights
Dirty fingernails from planting in the garden
Sweaty head, fresh air, mowed grass aromas fill the air
Stretched bedtimes, because it’s simply too hard to end a perfect day with the sun still shining
Temperatures that couldn’t be more perfect
Spring is the first delightful sip of summer.
Springtime perks us all up and looking around at all the changes it brings about are enjoyable. Especially when you are a kid.
We’re still waiting for spring over here. It usually comes in June.