Abdominoplasty Recovery: Week 1

Well, I’m a week into recovery from the abdominoplasty surgery– although it only seems like a few days ago that I went under.  The recovery has been SLOW and gradual, but it does get a little easier each day.  However, the pain is just as intense, since I had to go off the narcotics due to the side effects.

Basically it’s like they’ve tied up a corset on the inside of me and pulled it as tight as possible.  Not only is this an uncomfortable feeling, it creates so much tightness that it is difficult to breathe. Hence my lovely spirometer to help increase my lung capacity again.

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Overall, I’m coping well and taking it easy in my recliner all day long. 

The boys are back home, which is wonderful, but I’m so thankful that our families came together to help out for several days so that I could rest and recover in a quiet house.   (So so thankful, Tom and Kathy, Kristy and Ryan, Mom and Dad and Sandy!) 

I had my post op appointment yesterday and everything looks to be healing correctly. 1 week down, several to go! A little better each day!

Thanks for the continued prayers and encouragement, Friends.  It means THE WORLD!


13 thoughts on "Abdominoplasty Recovery: Week 1"

  1. Amanda says:

    I am so glad you are doing so well. Been thinking of you and praying for all of you!! Hopefully, you are up and ‘running’ here soon!!! HUGS!!

  2. Gail says:

    Jen…Praying for continued strength and recovery. I am sure all your guys are praying and cheering for you as well! Hang in there…the results will be worth it! Thanks for the update.
    Gail from Annapolis, MD

  3. AmazingGreis says:

    I hated the spirometer after my surgery in July.

    So glad that you are recovering and doing better. Still sending happy recovery vibes your way. XOXO

  4. Elizabeth says:

    I’m so glad things are going well! I’ll say a prayer for you right now.

  5. Debbie in Grayson says:

    Glad to hear the update. Prayers continue I know you will continue to do well with the positive spirit you have. Remember when it gets tough pray for strength to get through the next hour or min or second which ever seems appropriate for the time.

  6. Theresa Bruno says:

    You’re doing great! Keep up the good work.

  7. megryansmom says:

    I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers. Wish I were closer to help out with the boys, they’d have a blast with my 2.

  8. Lana says:

    No pain meds? UGH! I know that getting off them is not always fun, but it would have been nice to let you gradually go off them and reap the benefits in the meantime. But hey, we mommas can deal with pain right? Sigh….only when we have to. I hope it eases up on you soon. Take care and keep on the road to recovery.

  9. I’m glad you are progressing well but so sorry to hear you have to manage through without pain meds. Hoping your recovery continues to go smoothly and you’re feeling like yourself again soon!

  10. Holly says:

    I am astounded that you are already blogging again, after only a week. You are amazing, Jen! Hang in there. Sending good thoughts your way (see, here they come… :):):):):):):)

  11. Jamie says:

    Moosh in Indy mentioned you in a comment she left for me, talking about the diasistis I have from my twin girls. I’m SOOOO curious about your recovery and story. Thanks for sharing it, I’ll keep reading!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Casey and I have had several conversations about her diasistis – I have several posts under the abdominoplasty tag. It’s been a TOUGH recovery, but I *think* it will be worth it. Anything I can do, just give me a holler!


      1. Jamie says:

        Thank you! I’m going to bookmark it for now since I know it’s going to be a couple of years before I revisit the possibility. Until then I’ll just be enjoying your 4some adventures!

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