Boy Mama Confession: Fish Are Not My Friends


Boy Mama Confession: I’m not super fond of fishing.

Catfish are down right scary looking creatures. Picking up larva is just gross. And wet moss freaks me out.

I DO enjoy being outdoors and spectating. I’ve even brought along a book a few times this year. The pages don’t seem to get read with the distractions of helping four little fishermen or just the beauty of the water and surroundings.

But you know what I love the most?

I love the enthusiasm they get when they catch a big one. I love being there when they them jump in my arms with excitement and a smile so wide they can hardly contain it on their little faces. I love watching them get excited for each other. I love how they have to tell every one we run into for days on end about their fishing stories and show their proof in the picture.  I love how proud their daddy gets and the joy he gets from their fishing successes.

Going along on things that aren’t your favorite, doesn’t mean you have to change who you are or pretend to be something you’re not.  It means you can take joy from something that brings someone else so much joy. 

Being a good boy mama doesn’t mean giving up on being girly. Being a good boy mama doesn’t mean loving all things BOY. Being a good boy mama doesn’t mean liking dirt, snails, wrestling, and boy humor.

I used to think I was a terrible boy mama because I wasn’t “one of them”.  I didn’t belong in their club and I couldn’t fake it. 

I’m still growing into these boy mama shoes, but I think it’s not that at all.  I can be secure in my role as their Mama (not their fishing buddy), and I can embrace them for how they have been created. I can cheer them on as they reel in a fish, or score a touchdown, or make it to the top of a climbing wall. Even more important, I’m can be there when they fail, when they are humbled, when they are discouraged, when they need a Mama.

I’ll be their mama no matter what…

Even when they smell like fish.

5 thoughts on "Boy Mama Confession: Fish Are Not My Friends"

  1. Even when they smell like fish. I like that part. It doesn’t matter how often my boys bathe they always smell like something… usually wet dog. I hold my breath as I hug them and gasp for air as they walk away. But, I love them and I love watching them have a blast in the sand pile, swinging over my head on a rope swing or climbing trees even if I do cringe a bit in horror as I envision them falling…

  2. Covington Grandma says:

    Jen, I think you are fulfilling your role as a MOM just right!

  3. HoundDogmom says:

    That is one huge catfish. I guess what you are saying is you didn’t clean it for dinner? Sherri

  4. Nancy says:

    From all I see, you are a FABULOUS boy Mama!
    I have four sons myself (17-28) and I’m pretty girly. I see part of my role as showing them what girls are all about (since they have no sisters). Your guys get plenty of male input. You get to represent the female side.
    Keep loving on them, cheering them on, correcting as needed, and praying over them.
    Oh, and cherishing every moment. My house is VERY quiet these days with only one left.

  5. Katherine Brown says:

    Happy birthday, Jen! I can’t believe that the boys are turning 8 years old next year. Life is sure passing by! :). I still think of my Hoosier days with you in Brownsburg, but I absolutely love my job as an SLP at a Catholic school in Georgia. I love being able to share my faith with these kids as an SLP. Thank you for always keeping people laughing and smiling. You are one of the most positive people I have known. 🙂

    God bless you,

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