Easter Traditions: Making Resurrection Rolls

You’ve probably heard of the “Empty Tomb” Resurrection Rolls, but have you tried them? They are easy for Easter holiday and a great way to incorporate the meaning into some hands-on-fun in the kitchen for your kids!  It’s a sweet treat you’ll want to make an Easter tradition!

4 Simple Ingredients for Resurrection Rolls:

  • Crescent Rolls
  • Melted Butter
  • Marshmallows (Large or Mini)
  • Cinnamon Sugar

reserection rolls ingredients

The recipe that has been passed around for years calls for large marshmallows, but we didn’t have any in our pantry, so we substituted 3 mini marshmallows per crescent roll, which worked out just fine! Plus I read that the larger marshmallows tend to ooze out while baking, so this might be an easy solution.

cresent rolls reserection marshmallows

Instructions for Assembling and Baking Resurrection Rolls:

1. Preheat your oven as instructed on the crescent roll package.

2. While you are waiting for the oven to preheat, read John 19 about the sentence, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus.  (There is something about reading this account straight from the Bible, although I LOVE the Jesus Storybook Bible’s* version as well.)

scripture passage for easter

3. Unroll crescent rolls (which represents the burial linen cloths of Jesus) into 8 separate triangles.

making reserection rolls with kids

4. Roll white marshmallow(s) (which represent the pure sinless body of Christ) in butter and cinnamon sugar (which represent the burial oils and spices). 

5. Wrap the cinnamon sugar covered marshmallow in the crescent roll, pinching the dough together. 

6. Place the rolls in the oven (which represents the tomb).

reserection rolls baking for easter  

7. Bake as instructed on package.

8. While baking, read John 20:1-18 about the empty tomb and see if your kids can predict what will happen to the marshmallow.

9. Once the rolls have cooled, open to reveal the missing marshmallow.  Jesus has risen!  He’s ALIVE!

10. Enjoy this sweet and savory treat and the meaning behind the cooking activity.  

easter coloring page empty tomb

We followed up this activity by coloring this Easter empty tomb coloring page. Currently, Clark is dancing around the house singing “Easter has come!”, so I think the activity was effective! =)

What kinds of activities do YOU do with your family for the Easter holiday?


* Indicates a link to Amazon.com Affiliate

13 thoughts on "Easter Traditions: Making Resurrection Rolls"

  1. Lana says:

    What a great idea! I love this! Have a Blessed Easter!

  2. Hmph. Too bad you didn’t post this BEFORE our major FAILURE of an attempt to make these! The large marshmallows that worked beautifully for Amanda? Totally bombed for me. Our Marshmallow Jesus most certainly did NOT melt or disappear. Those rolls were tasty, yes – but not magical. *sigh*

  3. christa sanders says:

    sounds awesome! i may have to try these….we may add them to our church neighborhood outreach easter party next year.

  4. angie says:

    love this so very cool and perfect for Easter will share this with my daughter her children are still little but this can be something she can look forward to doing with them find me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  5. oh wow…I had never heard this idea before but love it! My kids would really get this – my daughter was entranced last weekend at church during the Passion Play and had so many questions afterwards. She even told her friends at school this week about why the Cross represents Easter – “because Jesus had to carry it a long ways and then they put him on it and he died so he could save all the people.”


    Happy Easter Jen & family….

    April is Autism Awareness Month. I’m dedicating my blog all month long to Autism.

  6. Pol says:

    I’d never heard of this recipe before – it seems marvellous, and I will try it our this Easter. But I have to admit to being really confused at first as to what a “crescent roll” was? Then I realised it was a croissant. Isn’t the proper name used in the US?

  7. Rachel says:

    Too fun!

  8. Lorri says:

    These made a fun treat for Easter morning!

  9. Melissa says:

    Is there a way of printing this out. I would love to share this with people who do not use pinterest.

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