To My Boys Turning 6 {Your Birth Story Part 6}

  • {Part 1}
  • {Part 2}   
  • {Part 3}
  • {Part 4}
  • {Part 5}


    Your Daddy will have to fill in the details of those first couple of days.   I developed an internal infection along with other complications I was experiencing, so my memory is quite cloudy. I hadn’t had the opportunity to even meet you yet. Sunday afternoon I received a blood transfusion, which finally put me on the path of recovery.

    Meanwhile, your Daddy was trying to get to know you, introducing you to close family one at a time, and comforting you by holding your head and chest. And can you believe that on top of all the excitement, our beloved Colts won the Super Bowl?!!! {Your Daddy still blames me for the timing of your birth and the crazy aftermath conflicting with him taking in the Colt’s victory.}

    surviving the nicu

    While Brooks, Henry, and Isaac became more stable, on Sunday night Clark took a drastic turn for the worse. You {Clark} became critical to the point that the head nurse came to us saying that your meds were maxed out, you were fighting the high-frequency oscillating vent, and there was nothing else they could do but wait and see if you turned the corner. We called everyone we knew to pray, and then I was allowed to go up and meet you.  I was afraid I was saying hello and goodbye in the same sentence.

    However, I remember a calmness that overcame me that God had given us your life, and He held you in His hand. I knew you belonged to Him, and He would be glorified even if He decided to take you away from us. 

    Shortly after we returned from peaking at your tiny little body shake as a machine put breath into your underdeveloped lungs, the nurse rushed upstairs to tell us that your blood gas levels had for the first time in hours gotten better instead of worse.  You were still in respiratory distress and had a long way to go, but we rejoiced with the good news.

    Brooks Layton Murray (cq) opens his eyes and smiles while being held by his dad Brad Murray in the NICU at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007.    Brooks was the second in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was 3 lbs at birth.    The four brothers are all in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

    The other three of you were much more laid back and easier on our hearts. 😉

    Brooks – You quickly were weaned off the C-PAP and onto room air, and I was able to hold you first. You felt as light as the blanket you were swaddled in.

    NICU holding a preemie baby

    Isaac – You were able to be weaned off the ventilator, then to C-PAP, and then to room air in your first few days of life.  You looked like a giant compared to your brothers!

    Henry – we nicknamed you “King Henry” because you were small but mighty.  You didn’t need any breathing assistance, and you tried to escape your isolette by squirming to the arm holes you second day of life.

     mother kissing a preemie baby  

    You each had several obstacles to overcome in your first weeks of life. You had to learn to breath, swallow, and suck on your own, and we had to wait patiently while you grew. And Clark gave us a few more scares along the way. It was difficult to split time between each of your pods, and to go home without you, but you were in excellent hands. We weren’t quite sure how we would manage when you all would come home, but we wanted you there so badly. 

    Nataline Foskey RNC (cq, center) checks Isaac Edward Murray (cq) in his NICU crib at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007, as Isaac's parents Jen Murray (cq, left) and Brad Murray (cq, right) look on.  Jen waits to hold her son, who with three brothers was born last Friday, February 2, 2007.  The quadruplets remain in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

    Isaac and Brooks headed home first at three weeks old, followed by Henry a week later, and finally Clark the following week. We were in overwhelming amazement that we were able to take four healthy babies home.

    God truly had given us more than we could have asked or imagined!

    And so the story continues…

    Today is your day of birth and we continue to celebrate your miracle lives.  The Lord has “multiplied” our blessings and we are so grateful to Him as the author and sustainer of each of your lives!

    Happy Birthday, Henry, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac from your Mama and Daddy who have loved you from the very beginning and continue to love you more each day!

  • 20 thoughts on "To My Boys Turning 6 {Your Birth Story Part 6}"

    1. Gershom says:

      “However, I remember a calmness that overcame me that God had given us your life, and He held you in His hand. I knew you belonged to Him, and He would be glorified even if He decided to take you away from us.”

      Wow. Praise God. Sheena and I felt exactly the same way when they put our son Jon on CPAP the second time, while Jason and Judah were out of the ventilators. Am so happy to join you and praise God for His faithfulness.

      Happy bday Henry, Brooks, Clark and Isaac.

    2. Crystal says:

      I’m totally wishing I could have been there to help you! (Okay, and also to go to the Super Bowl). Exacty how far along were you on February 2? When was your original due date?

    3. Lyndse says:

      Yay! Thus has been my favorite series ever. Unfortunately, our 3yo is now convinced there are 4 babies in my womb…instead of just one. ; )

    4. Shannon says:

      El Shaddai- I am more than enough. God is more than enough as your story has proven over and over again. Blessed x4 always and forever. Enjoy those sweet 6 year old miracles!

    5. Have I told you how much I’m loving this story? Ah…..

    6. These six days of reading and reviewing those high risk days we experienced, brought tears of joy to our eyes as we continue to be thankful for our miracle grandsons and our dear daughter and son-in-law who have been so courageous through the pregnancy and the six years of bringing these boys up to love the Lord and train them so well.

    7. Greis says:

      Love this! Happy 6th Birthday to 4 of my favorite quad boys!! And a happy day to mama and daddy too!! XOXO

    8. mandi says:

      I have loved reading your story Jen – so amazing!!! And I when I saw the little hats on the babies, I was thinking “I wonder if they were in the playoffs that year” – how cool!!

      Your family is so strong Jen! Thank you for sharing this with us!!

    9. Meg says:

      Oh, Jen this one brought tears to my eyes. I’m by no means diminishing Gods hand in Clark’s turn around, but I think a major part of Clark’s improvement was because he neede his mama, and he finally got to hear you again. 🙂

      1. Sara says:

        Meg, that’s what I was thinking as well. Our twins spent 3 weeks in the NICU and my husband and I read up on kangaroo care and how healing a parent’s touch can be. This story brought me to tears as I remembered the bed rest and painful last days of pregnancy and the hard birth and recovery. My boys are almost 2 now and I rejoice with you, Jen, in God’s amazing gift of life.

    10. I just started reading your birth story from beginning to end & find myself crying here in front of my computer! What a beautiful & miraculous story!! There is no doubt that God was watching over you & your little ones every step of the way!!

      Thank you so much for sharing your story Jen!!

      1. QuatroMama says:

        Awwwww…that means so much that you shared this with me, Sweet Tonya! He is faithful!

    11. Anne W says:

      What an amazing, beautiful story of God’s grace and mercies! Tears are rolling down my cheeks after reading the entire series. (I found your blog from a link to your read aloud list for boys!) My last pregnancy was full of adventure, and our youngest son was born at 33 weeks (3#, 5oz), but it was a piece of cake compared to carrying four children at once! Thanks for sharing. May God continue to bless your family as you and your husband raise this dear sons.

      – Anne from southern Indiana

    12. danielle says:

      Tears are also rolling down my cheeks after reading this post. Thanks for sharing. May God continue to bless you all.

    13. Leighann says:

      What a wonderful story. I found you via Pinterest but wanted to know the birth story! We also have a King Henry (he’s Henry V if you can believe that!) who is the first survivor of his combination of heart defects. What a mighty God we serve! Love your story. Thanks for sharing.

    14. Cheri says:

      Thanks for sharing this story. My daughter is expecting quads, she’s 14 weeks now and all is well. We have felt this was a miracle and are hoping and praying and expecting a great outcome such as yours.

    15. Sarah Ostrander says:

      Hi Quatra Mama,
      We just found out we are having quads yesterday. Identical triplets & a single. Your story has calmed my heart & solidified the long road ahead. I pray for a healthy outcome. I’ve been crying all day.
      Thank you for sharing,

    16. Annalize says:


      I am from South Africa. I so enjoyed reading your story! What a great and awesome God we serve!

      Your story is a great inspiration to everybody that reads it. God also saved my live after giving birth to my second baby girl. I had huge blood clots in my lungs. God still used the worst time in my life to glorify His name.

      Your boys are soo beautiful!

      Annalize du Plessis

    17. Pamela says:

      Dear Maama of Four God is so good
      May His name be praised for ever more
      I love the faith I love your love for God.

      I pray for the same mercy of quadruplets

      I continue to pray for the entire familly and those with a hearts desire like mine

      With kind regards be blessed

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