Saying “Yes” to Snow Days

I always question myself in the twenty minute madness. Will this be worth it?  The coats, the hats, the boots, the snow pants, the mittens, the layers…it’s a task to bundle up four.

Without fail, someone puts on boots before putting on snow pants.  And the next one has mittens on and can’t put on his boots. And help us all if I forgot to ask them to go to the bathroom first! 

getting multiples ready to play in the snow

But we both look at each other knowingly. This is probably winter’s last hoorah, and we’ll soon welcome spring with gladness.  There are tasks that can wait, things that can be put off for an hour or two… we have this moment together before it melts away.

bundling up four boys for the snowsnowball fight eagle creek park

The quietness of the white-painted tress, the deer that crossed the path, the rosy cheeks and cold noses, the mittened hands that learned to roll snowmen, a quick gentle kiss in the midst of the winter wonderland – these are the memories I slip deep in my pocket. Yet the majesty of God’s handiwork is what took my breath away.

snow trails at eagle creek park winter

     sledding at eagle creek park

We were alone in the snowy wonderland, just the six of us. Well, ten if you count the snowmen.  It was a  private party to celebrate winter weather. Yes, even in March.

building giant snowmen eagle creek park indianapolissnow day at eagle creek park 

Was it messy?  Was it a lot to put away? Was it an interruption to our schedule? Indeed.

Was it worth saying “yes” to?  Without a doubt.