“Tiny Successes ” Grand Picnic

One of the most anticipated events of the summer has been the St. Vincent Women’s Hospital Annual NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Picnic.   It’s a great occasion to see people who cared for our little guys through the preemie days, and to meet up with people whom we’ve met through this journey. St. Vincent’s goes ALL OUT for this picnic – food, games, bounce houses, petting zoo, pony rides, and my personal favorite on a humid August day- snow cones!


This was our second year attending the picnic, and again I was reminded how incredibly blessed we are to be NICU Survivors.  There really isn’t a better compliment than hearing over and over from our NICU nurses and doctors how healthy and great our boys look, and to watch their faces light up when they see them! They each held a significant role in the miracle of their tiny lives, and we will continue own them our sincere gratitude! 



Nataline (one of our primary nurses) chats with Brooks


The Annual Schleper/Murray Family Portrait


Dr. Sumners (my HERO, who happens to also be my perinatologist from the pregnancy) holding Henry (left) and Isaac (right). Brad holding Brooks (hiding) and Jen holding Clark. This guy is more famous than Santa Claus!


Out of the wagon to check out the miniature horses.


Clark yelling "Heeeeee" as soon as he saw the horses.  Yep, that’s my son.  I felt like he won the National Spelling Bee, I was so proud!


As I linger from hitting the "Publish" button and re-read this post, I feel like I’m coming up short in expressing my gratitude and the pure emotion that fills me when I think about our love for our family at St. Vincent’s.  We are convinced that God used these people in mighty ways to bring our boys safely home.  Thank you, St Vincent’s for your part in turning our "tiny successes" into tough little men!


(You can check out Last Year’s NICU Picnic Post HERE.)

11 thoughts on "“Tiny Successes ” Grand Picnic"

  1. Jen-your sweet boys are so AWESOME and amazing. I am so glad that GOD blessed you and Brad’s lives. They bring joy to my eyes and are such handsome boys. Love on them!

  2. debi9kids says:

    What a wonderful post! How I wish my hospital even did those types of things! the hospital where i gave birth to my son Henry as a preemie holds a picnic every 5 years. UGH!
    It’s always so nice to go back and get a chance to catch up. Just amazing how many people actually helped to get you where you are, isn’t it?

    Such a blessing!

  3. Suzanne says:

    awww jen…what a special day! i’m so glad you were able to go and that the boys are feeling better. (phew!) you look GREAT btw! love the hair and that green looks awesome on you! hugs and kisses, mama!

  4. Casey's trio says:

    Wow…what an awesome NICU reunion blowout! Our NICU hasn’t had anything organized yet, but we recently took the girls back and saw some of our fave nurses. It is always an amazing feeling to go back with healthy and happy children. We share the same love and unending gratititude for our docs and nurses.
    BTW, Have I ever told you that I think you take some awesome pictures? You always seem to capture special moments perfectly:)

  5. Jenn Brothers says:

    I think the boys need a mini pony for Christmas this year!

  6. Fulton Quads says:

    Looks like everyone had fun! It is AMAZING what God can do! Having healthy quadruplets is such a blessing! Cathy

  7. That’s so neat…I’m sure you enjoy so much getting to visit and spend time w/all the people who played a part in the boys’ early days! They’re getting so big…

  8. Kate says:

    Aww…what a special thing for the NICU to do! Jen…seriously…you keep getting more and more gorgeous. You look FABULOUS! You hair and make-up just look so good. And I love the big earrings. You’re glowing…does that mean we can expect another set of quads out of you?!! Ha!!

  9. Susan says:


    BTW, did you ever find a no-leak sippy cup? J has been using playtex sippy and nuby w/a straw. they still leak occassionally.

    Congrats on your little survivors!

  10. Emily says:

    Looks like you had a BLAST! 🙂 I’m glad you were able to go.
    I have to admit that I’m glad to be back in school, but being busy means I really miss the Murray Crew!

  11. Hi Jen-
    I got contacted Gen McNulty with a couple of questions. One was about getting the kids to sleep through the night. She told me to e-mail you, since her kids didn’t sleep til after one! I e-mailed you yesterday, and I just wanted to make sure that I had the right e-mail address. If you could let me know, that wold be great! Thanks!!

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