Meals, Mayhem, and Miracle Memories (Part 1)

Although I would have loved to post on Meals, Mayhem, and Miracles all in one post, (as many of you requested via twitter) I’m a woman not a machine! 

So I’ll break this up into 3 Parts….

Let’s start with MEALS.  I’ll be dedicating a specific post to Meal Planning/Grocery $$$ Saving soon, but for now, I’ll show you my meal plan for the week.  I like to plan meals for 2 weeks and then make a mega grocery run for all the ingredients I’ll need for each meal.   Granted, I have to make short grocery runs for milk, bananas, bread, or something I forgot off my list, but the majority of it is completed in one trip! 

So here’s a look at this week’s menu:

Monday – Italian Beef, Mac and Cheese, Green Beans

Tuesday – BBQ Chicken on the Grill with Veggies

Wednesday – Tacos and All the Fixin’s

Thursday – Grilled Panini Sandwiches with a Garden Salad

Friday – Homemade Hawaiian Pizza and a Side

On Saturdays and Sundays our schedule is a little more unpredictable, so we feast on leftovers, easy last-minute ideas, or we help stimulate the economy by supporting some of our favorite eating joints!

If you have trouble coming up with meal ideas as I do (just ask quatro daddy), you should check out Organizing Junkie’s Meal Plan Mondays for some great menu ideas!


And since many of you so kindly demanded requested the recipe for the Italian Beef that’s currently filling my house with the smell of goodness,

Here You Have It:

Slow-Cooked Italian Beef

1 Rump Roast (about 2 lbs is a nice size for this recipe)

2 cups of water

1 teaspoon of the following: garlic powder, parsley, basil, oregano, salt

Combine all ingredients in slow cooker.  Cook on low for 8-10 hours.  Shred beef and serve on hoagie buns!

As for what I’ll be drinking for the weeks to come, you’ll need to head on over to my review blog to find out what delicious healthy change I’m making!  See you over there!

9 thoughts on "Meals, Mayhem, and Miracle Memories (Part 1)"

  1. YUMMO…sounds like I will have to try that italian beef soon 🙂

  2. Sarah says:

    that does sound yummy! I'll be trying that soon too. and your link didn't work for me! I soooo need help in that organization department!

  3. Terri says:

    Your dinner for tonight sounds so yummy! I have printed it out and will be adding it to my rotation!

  4. Suzanne says:

    you're making me hungry!!!

  5. Jen Wilson says:

    I haven't done menu planning for the last couple weeks and it's been horrible! I totally love Laura's Menu Plan Monday and I have to get back into doing it … she's so motivating!

  6. I make that same italian beef except we also add fresh onion, pepperoncini peppers (and their juice), and a beer to it. So, I guess it is a much more adult version… but it is so delicious.

  7. Karen says:

    I have this in my crock pot right now!

  8. Magen says:

    Sounds delicious! I have been menu planning for a while and just started my own blog this past Wednesday! I will be linking to MPM for the first time this Monday! I did post this weeks menu today! Feel free to check it out I include recipes and photos!


  9. My girlfriend had her baby this week and I'm bringing her this for dinner tonight! Thanks, I'm always looking for good, easy recipes!

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