Does Johnson and Johnson Know Something I Don’t Know?



I was notified last week, that I was selected for a Johnson and Johnson BlogHer raffle, but I didn’t know what the prize was….

At 8:30 this morning, while I was still in my pajamas, FedEx showed up with this lovely basket full of necessities for the “Mom-to-Be”.

VERY FUNNY, Johnson and Johnson! Is this some sort of joke for an infertile quad mom or what?  I know I’m still sporting the “quad belly” and all, but take it easy!

Actually, I’m quite thankful for this little basket of goodies.  While I’ll be sharing some of these products with friends in need, I’m thrilled to re-stock my dwindling supply of lotion and wash for the boys!  And Band-Aids, who doesn’t need more Band-Aids?

Turns out it’s a blessing for the “Mom-NOT-To-Be”, or should I say the “Mom-Who-Has-Been”, or perhaps the “Mom-Who-Is-Being”? Regardless, thank you J&J;!

17 thoughts on "Does Johnson and Johnson Know Something I Don’t Know?"

  1. Heather says:

    Ooh, I won one of those baskets too! I also couldn't remember what it was and mine hasn't arrived yet. I've got a baby shower on Sunday so I'm hoping it gets here by then – it would be perfect!

  2. Now I want one too. 🙂

  3. Kate says:


  4. Better you than me 🙂

  5. Shayla says:

    HAHA I love how HUGE the EPT box looks in comparison to everything else 🙂

    that's awesome !!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Haha 🙂 I want one of those!

    Have you heard from Suz about little Savannah and how she is recovering from surgery?

  7. Jenny says:

    That is sooo funny! Nice gift, I wouldn't mind one of those showing up at my door, either! :0)

  8. mominsanity says:

    What a nice gift/prize! Congratulations!!!

  9. Jen says:

    So…is that a pregnacy test?? If your suppose to be a mom-to-be why do you need a pregnacy test? Just to make sure I guess. :):):):)

  10. Moni Graf says:

    That's AWESOME, Jen. Now you have a starter kit for your NEXT set of quads! All that should last a good week!

    Anyways, glad you won….it's always so fun to win something. I think I'd be ecstatic to find out I won a ribbon-wrapped, candy-sprinkled turd! Can you tell I don't win many things?!

    Love you!

  11. Kim Runyon says:

    I find a lot of humor in the fact that there are pregnancy tests in the same basket full of baby goodies! LOL

  12. AmazingGreis says:

    LOL, this totally reminds me of all the baby stuff I use to get in the mail, and I've never had kids.

    Not sure how they got my info., but I use to get diaper coupons, formula samples and all sorts of other baby goodies in the mail. I could never use the supplies, but my friends were always so happy to take it off my hands.

    Have a great week!


  13. Carie says:

    Great post! I had to laugh…and shudder because if someone referred to me as a mom-to-be…I am not ready to go back to those days!

    Enjoy your basket. What a wonderful gift. I guess I need to learn how to pursue these giveaways. (I never win anything.) 🙂

  14. Suzanne says:

    freakin' hilarious! murr, is there something you would like to announce to the blogger nation?? lol.
    isn't it SO fun to win ANYthing?! i was immediately thinking: "ooo, oooo! PERFECT re-gift!" (there's been a crazy baby boom around here!)

    love you

  15. Mama4Real says:

    Let that anon comment roll off your back. You don't need it.

    And… that's awesome! Congrats on NOT being pregnant 🙂

  16. That's so funny….but what a neat prize, even if you aren't expecting! And you don't look like you have any kind of a belly!

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