Picnicking with Miracles

Sunday was one of our much anticipated events of the summer, the annual St. Vincent’s NICU Reunion. Each year this event seems to become more meaningful and more enjoyable to us as a family.  It’s an event that fills us with joy, and humbles us with thanksgiving.  We cannot thank the staff at St. Vincent’s Women’s enough for their care, with my own life and the lives of our 4 precious sons. We know that God used each of you in our lives for a PURPOSE

Let’s take a walk down memory lane and watch how our “Tiny Successes” Have Morphed into Little Boys…

Our 1st NICU Picnic 2007


2nd NICU Picnic 2008


3rd NICU Picnic 2009


And now for some Choo-Choo Wagon Overload…


First Stop: The fire engine, of course!


The picture that appeared in the Indianapolis Star taken shortly after our interview with WTHR. (Fun media opportunities to share our story and gratitude for St. V’s.)


Dr. Jansen, one of our neonatologist, reacquaints himself with the Crew.


Dr Sumners, my perinatologist, taking another ride in the wagon, much to Brooks’ dismay. (I could cry over my love and gratitude for this man!)


It’s been waaaaaay too long!  Lisa, our favorite night nurse says hello to the boys. 


Because you can never get enough choo-choos rides if your name is Henry or Isaac…


Can you sense my excitement?


Last stop before melting into a puddle of sweat: The Petting Zoo

We tucked the boys in on Sunday night and were tearfully reminded again of the 4 miracles that we are blessed with… Every. Single. Day.


9 thoughts on "Picnicking with Miracles"

  1. Colleen says:

    You didn't wear green this year, it was starting to look like a tradition, LOL!!!! The boys are cute as ever, love the choo choo wagon, is that yours?? Where did you get something like that!?

  2. Mom 4 Kids says:

    Just amazing how well they are all doing! Great pictures!

  3. amazing! The boys are looking so big!!

  4. Leah says:

    I really wanna choo choo wagon 🙁 But they don't make them any longer. And they sale for a CHUNK on ebay/craigslist.

  5. It's so good to hear how you appreciate the miracle that your children are.

    Even though I gave birth to my four boys one at a time, I am encouraged to have a spirit of gratitude for the miracles that they are.

  6. Stephanie says:

    Yes..you are so blessed! They are 4 little miracles that are becimg such handsome little guys!!

  7. Stephanie says:

    Yes..you are so blessed! They are 4 little miracles that are becimg such handsome little guys!!

  8. They are 4 little miracles, aren't they? Great pictures of the annual reunion.

    I love that the Choo Choo wagon is in almost every picture! We have a Choo Choo wagon too (and a quad stroller) for our 2 sets of twins. I could never leave the house without one or the other!

  9. samantha says:

    I love the idea of a NICU reunion! I don't think our hospital does that and now I'm bummed. Those are great photos over the last few years–you've come such a long way and how wonderful it is!

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