Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed


5 Little MONKEYS (Boys) Jumping On the Bed,

One Fell Off and Bumped His Head.

(Mama’s Holding a Stuffed Monkey with a Bandaged Head)

MAMA (Mama) Called the DOCTOR (Daddy) and The Doctor Said,



I have some “monkey business” to complete or else “I’ll go bananas”! But don’t worry, I won’t “monkey around” too long, and I’ll have some more pictures and stories to share! 

Until then, hope you enjoy our family Halloween Costume for 2009 and don’t forget to send me your entry for our little contest this week!  (I’ve been getting some super cute entries and can’t wait to see more!)

66 thoughts on "Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed"

  1. Michelle says:


  2. Jessica says:

    That could not possibly have been any cuter. Seriously terrific.

  3. Brandie says:

    My goodness that has GOT to be the cutest idea ever! I love it…Hope you had a fun and safe evening!

  4. Look at that bed! You are so creative! I love it!

  5. AmazingGreis says:

    OMG, what a great costume! LOVE it! It's cuteness X 4!!!

    Can't wait to see more pictures.

  6. Kelly says:

    That is so stinkin CUTE!!! How creative… you are! Love it!

  7. samantha says:

    That is GENIUS! SO CUTE! Did they all behave and stay in the wagon? 🙂

    Happy Halloween!

  8. Leah says:

    OMG, that was soo stinking cute! Complete with the choo choo wagon transformation into a bed! Wow, nice work jen!

  9. Stephanie says:

    Seriously…you are too creative!! THat is honestly the best costume "package" I have ever seen!!
    Cant wait to see more!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness! Could you be anymore creative! The monkeys, the mama and the doctor look awesome! Even the bed looks awesome. I would have loved to have seen your neighbors faces.

  11. Suzanne says:

    You win the PRIZE for best family theme and costumes! Love those monkeys!!! (The doctor's pretty cute too)

  12. Carol says:

    Adorable! You are so creative.

  13. The Depews says:

    So creative! I love it! That seriously has to be one of the best costume idesa I have ever seen.

  14. edbteach says:

    Absolutely Adorable!!!!!!!!

  15. Jenn Brothers-Haler says:

    Very cute!

  16. Liz says:

    OMG! That is so very cute. Very creative. I absolutely love it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Love your idioms, Jen! And, I aboslutely love the idea! I'm not surprised by your creativity.
    Take care!
    Linda W.

  18. CB says:

    ADORABLE Jen! Such a creative idea!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Wow Jen!!! You are soooooooo creative!! Super cute idea and adorable little boys/monkeys. Barb Whiteman

  20. The Frahms says:

    Jen, this is the BEST!! Love it!! Seriously, did you enter a contest? You would totally win!! I love reading your blog, btw. Thank you so much for sharing with the rest of the world. We are all blessed by your boys. 🙂

  21. K says:

    That's the most creative "costume" I've ever seen!! How cute!! 🙂

  22. Charla Sneed says:

    This is quite possibly the cutest costume I have ever seen! Fantastic job!

  23. Maureen says:

    Okay, this is, hands down, the most creative costume I've ever seen!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

  24. Sonya says:

    Very creative! I love it!

  25. Jen says:

    That is INCREDIBLY creative!!! Wow.

  26. Too cute for words!! I bet the boys loved Halloween this year! Our kiddos were SOOO into it!! LOL!

    Love you!

  27. Jen — what a wonderfully creative idea!!! I LOVE IT!!! You guys should win a contest for some big bucks!!!

  28. Kate says:

    You are too much! LOVE IT!

  29. Anonymous says:

    FUNNN!!! HOW stinkn' CUTE & CREATIVE!!! Sioby
    p.s. did my card ever make it to you?

  30. Jac Tubre says:

    You are so creative Jen! Too cute!


  31. Chelsa says:

    you are just wayyyy too creative! adorable!

  32. Rachel says:

    Jen, that is the cutest, most creative costuming ever!


  33. Suzanne says:

    HA-freakin-LARIOUS! LOOOOOOOVE it!!! you guys crack me UP! and i absolutely LOOOOOOOVED the pumpkin pictures with the boys sitting in a row a couple of posts back! jen, those are priceless!!! so glad you guys had a great halloween! love you!

  34. Aimee says:

    I've come back to this pic a few times today because I cannot get over it! So cute!

  35. This is absolutely fantastic! So creative and so damn adorable!

  36. Lilly says:

    So cute!

    My daughter who is three, have been singing this song almost non-stop, everyday on our way to daycare and back home!

  37. BabeeLove says:

    Wow! What a great idea! You guys are ALL adorable!

  38. Kara says:

    So cool!! You guys have an awesome advantage of 4 kids that can have the same costume size! Upload more quickly please!!!!!!

  39. Oh they are so adorable 🙂 visiting you from Twitter @FireflyShop and your new google follower 🙂 hope you'll visit us 🙂

  40. Anonymous says:

    How creative. love the bed. Your guys are adorable.

  41. Elizabeth says:

    Best costume theme I have EVER seen, LOVE it 🙂

  42. Love it! And likely stealing it one year!

  43. You guys are so creative! Love the bed and the curlers are so cute, Jen! I can't wait to see more photos! Please tell me you have video too! 🙂

    By the way, I recognize those monke7 costumes – we had a couple of those in our bunch too :)! Quick tip if you paid full price for the costumes and you haven't done this already – take your receipt back to Old Navy and they'll give you the sale price on the costumes. I got all of ours reduced to $2 a piece!! What a steal!

  44. Jenny says:

    Shut. Up.

    You guys! This is sooooo stinking cute!

  45. Suz says:

    I'm sure you saw the costume contest on Multiplesandmore, but in case you didn't, you've got to enter your photo! I'm betting Ellen would get a huge kick out of it too. 🙂

  46. Anonymous says:

    dude, I would totally send this picture to like Oprah and all the national news stations!!!!

  47. Oh my goodness that is way too cute!!! I've never seen anything like that before. How creative!!!

  48. Meg says:

    O! M! G!
    You seriously went all out. Hysterical. As if trick-or-treating with quads was exciting enough for folks watching!

  49. snekcip says:

    GENIUS!!! This is the best costume I have seen all year!!!

  50. Carissa says:

    Absolutely adorable!!!!

    NICU Nurse Carissa

  51. That is the MOST unique Halloween costume I've ever seen! You HAVE to share that for costume contets next year!!!!

  52. Stephanie says:

    That is FANTASTIC!!!

  53. Betsy Finn says:

    Love it! Thanks for sharing… this is adorable, especially with the 5th monkey!

  54. MDtripmom says:

    Okay and I thought our choo choo was decked out on Halloween, WOW! Great job!

  55. oh amanda says:


  56. i sure hope you won the costume contest! this is amazing!!!!!

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