Top 10 Reasons We Attend the St. Vincent NICU Reunion Picnic

The annual St. Vincent NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Reunion Picnic is MUST on our summer agenda. Each and every year, it renews our gratefulness for the nurses, doctors, and medical staff involved in caring for our 2 month premature babies. Plus, it’s an all-round fabulous time!

Here’s 10 Reasons Why We Attend Each Year:

1. Location, Location, Location


We love Zionsville’s Lions Park.  Plenty of room for all the amazing activities (like the petting zoo, train ride, bounce houses, games, fire safety house, and more!) and really nice playground areas.

2. We Made the Guest List.


Which makes us SURVIVORS.  There are hundreds of tiny lives honored who’s outcomes were not the same as ours.  It’s a sobering reminder of the miracle we were able to witness in being able to take four babies home with us after their NICU journies.

3. Fellow Multiples Buddies



It’s so rewarding seeing how far we’ve come, and how much we have to look forward to on this never-ending adventure. It truly is a wonderful community.

4. Free. Pony. Rides.


No explanation needed. =)

5. An Opportunity To Say “Thank You”



A simple “thank you” never seems enough, to express our gratitude for those who made life-saving decisions in my own life, and in the lives of our boys.  However, hearing their own little voices say, “Thank you for taking care of me!” brought tears to my eyes.

6. Padded Walls


Again, no explanation needed.

7. The Annual Train Ride Around the Park


photo: Doug McSchooler / The Star

Watching the parents (us included) squeeze themselves and their children on their laps and into the car is nearly as entertaining as the train ride itself.

8. A Character Greeting Makes For Good Photo Opportunities.


Although Brooks didn’t think so…

9. There are only a few places on earth crazier than our own home.


Add some balls, bouncing, slides, 10s of kids, and climbing walls and you can certainly compete.

10. Sometimes seeing where you’ve come from, gives you an entirely fresh perspective on looking ahead.


To Take a Look Back on Our Past NICU Picnics check out these links:

image St. Vincent 2007 NICU Picnic

image St. Vincent 2008 NICU Picnic

image  St. Vincent 2009 NICU Picnic

Celebrating the Miracles,


This post is linked to Oh Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday.

22 thoughts on "Top 10 Reasons We Attend the St. Vincent NICU Reunion Picnic"

  1. Oh my goodness, seeing the boys in front of the incubator makes me want to cheer and cry at the same time. What a miracle, indeed.

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Me too, Angie! Me too!
      Overwhelmed with gratitude once again…thanks so much for your sweet comment. <3 u!

  2. How fun! I loved seeing the pictures of you guys with the other families w/multiples!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Thanks, Alicia! It truly is a special event full of so many emotions! <3

  3. Amanda says:

    Ahhhh, how precious!!! Such awesome miracles you have there! I work for St.V so I love seeing how these types of things are to the parents/kids.

    Did you happen to run into the Larkin family? Just wondering how they are doing now…I sure do miss her blog!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Amanda, we didn’t see the Larkin’s this year. Not sure they were able to make it!
      We LOVE the NICU picnic and St. V’s. There’s a special place in our hearts for all of those who cared for our miracles.
      Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and being an encouragement to our family!

  4. AmazingGreis says:

    SO much to be thankful for!!! Those older pictures are too precious and OMG the boys have grown…where did the time go?!?!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      No kidding, Greis! It’s been such an amazing ride so far. So thankful!

  5. Janet says:

    I so wanted to meet you guys that day! I saw you all walking around but I myself was also “sqeezed” into the little tiny car on the train at the time. Once I wedged myself and my daughters out of the train car, I couldn’t find you. Bummer!

    Love the NICU reunion!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Just posted a comment on your sweet blog. Your girls are such miracles! What a great reason to celebrate! I hope we run into one another SOON!

  6. Suzy says:

    Aw, you got to see Sumners! We looked for him (and Eggleston), but had to leave before we spotted them. Loved finally meeting your boys in person! 🙂

    Keep up with me, Ted, and our Fab Four at

    1. QuatroMama says:

      It was so FUN seeing our families together (finally!). Must do more often! Did you get my advice about the tents? You’re getting close to your big trip, right? Sumners came later in the morning. Call me soon and we’ll catch up!

  7. Molly says:

    What a great perspective and a wonderful tribute to not only the place but the people who have been such a big part of your lives. Well said, as always.

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Molly, your words always encourage my heart. Thank you, Sweet Friend!

  8. Sue says:

    What a great post. Makes me have goose bumps. What character is that? I have seen it before and it’s driving me crazy because I can’t think of it!!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Sue, I think it’s a Backyardigan…not sure which one, we don’t watch it.
      Glad we gave you goose bumps! It’s an emotional event every year!

  9. This is totally awesome. What a great way to see how far you’ve come and to thank the people that helped you. Tears in my eyes. Love this!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Awwwww….so glad, Heather. It’s truly miraculous!

  10. Jen, that’s so cool! We’ve never been to our NICU reunion, although every year I think that we should. Next year, I should re-read these posts to remind myself why we need to do it for real this time!

  11. Amanda (4andNoMore) says:

    Aww, we are honored to have made your top 10 list. So great to see you! Let’s play sometime!

  12. Seeing the incubator picture, knowing your story, and knowing what those boys will be raised knowing (they are each a MIRACLE), gives me great hope and excitement for all the amazing things they’ll do to change the world. 🙂

    1. QuatroMama says:

      This comment brought me tears to my eyes. Thanks for “getting it”, Sweet Friend. I love your heart and your spirit! God is so faithful!

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