Relevant was… (Link-Up)


(Left to Right : Crystal, Kristen, Kimba, Alyssa, Jessica, Dana, Melissa, Angie, Crystal, Sarah, Jen)

Relevant was warm.

Relevant was convicting.

Relevant was familiar.

Relevant was fresh.

Relevant was worshipful.

Relevant was life changing.

I questioned so many things in the process of deciding if should make the trip to Relevant. I questioned the finances needed to cover our traveling – He provided adequately. I questioned if our illness was supposed to keep us at home – He healed our bodies. I questioned how I would belong in a sea of faces – He gave me meaningful conversations and deeper friendships. I questioned if it was too much to put on Brad to watch the boys while I attended most of the sessions – He handled it with grace and without complaint. I questioned what others would think or how to make them understand – He showed me that I am to look for His approval alone. I questioned if blogging was meaningful enough reason to be away – He showed me there is purpose in my writing. 

It’s going to take some time to process all that is in my heart and fresh on my mind from this past weekend.  I am certain of this, however, that God truly did have a purpose in our family travelling to Pennsylvania.  It was so rich and so full. 

I’m sure that others will be able to put it into words so much better than I can scribble out on this screen, so I encourage you to visit their blogs, and see what the Lord is doing in our lives. For those of you who had the opportunity to attend, feel free to share what Relevant was to you. (It might help others to find each other if you leave this link on your post.)


18 thoughts on "Relevant was… (Link-Up)"

  1. Mama Llama says:

    So exciting. I am so glad you went and so sad I didn’t. I actually won a ticket a couple months ago, but as it got closer and closer to the date I felt a strong need for me to stay here… we are just in MAJOR transition, just moving to DC. But I am sad I missed it. Trying to live vicariously through all your ladies and gleam the wisdom from you! maybe next year…if they even do it again next year.

  2. I’m so happy that you went! I’m so sad that I wasn’t there.
    I’m so happy that it was all those things.

  3. Heatherh says:

    I’m so glad I went to the Relevant Conference and I agree with you, it was all those things you described it as!
    I still have to process my thoughts before I write a real post about it. I just wrote something quick tonight.

  4. Tracey says:

    It was so fun meeting you and learning we have a friend in common. Next time we come home to Indy let’s try and meet up.

  5. SomeGirl says:

    It was SO nice to meet you and your guys! Thanks for the link-up! I look forward to seeing what you do for Halloween with the boys! 🙂

  6. Mela Kamin says:

    I love that the common thread on all these posts is – more of Him. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing. Your family brought smiles to many this weekend.

  7. Kristy K says:

    It was so sweet to see your family there! What a blessing! (actually, what a bunch of blessings! :))

  8. How fun! Thanks for taking the time to link it all up!

  9. I just wanted to say that although I don’t think I got to meet you at Relevant, I noticed your beautiful boys. They were so well-behaved, and I thought your husband looked like such a great dad. You are very blessed!

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