Fun 4 A Buck – Shaving Cream Finger Paint

Fun for a Buck

It’s been a while since I have featured a “Fun for a Buck” activity. After being cooped up for days with various illnesses, I resorted to a can of shaving cream and decided to share the mess fun with you!  Back in my “working days” I used shaving cream as a sensory activity and had almost forgot how much kids love swishing their hands in the foamy soap. My boys collectively did a good job of keeping it on the table and off of the floor.  And it was a great excuse to give the table a deep clean at the end of the activity. 

shaving cream children's activity

Just spray a mound of shaving cream on a flat surface and let the finger painting creations begin!  You can also add a few drops of food coloring if you are the more daring type. I must say, this entertained them for a good half an hour and they loved the opportunity to get their hands messy. 

messy shaving cream hands shaving cream activity

shaving cream fun for kids messy shaving cream activity 

Now you might think this activity would cost less than a buck, being that you only need shaving cream and a flat surface, but be prepared to use at least a half a roll of paper towel when wiping down little hands, shirts, arms, chairs, table, and anything else that might cross their path before they are wiped clean! =)

 shaving cream hands

Need more “Fun for a Buck” ideas?  Try these:



7 thoughts on "Fun 4 A Buck – Shaving Cream Finger Paint"

  1. LOVE the idea my twins would love to do this! I have to ask though…where did you get that table? LOVE IT EVEN MORE!! Please share. My email is!

    Thank you! Jenn Waters

  2. Suzy says:

    I think we’re a little ways off from shaving cream since my kids still like to put EVERYthing in their mouths, but they do LOVE playing with ReddiWhip at the feeding table. 🙂

    And I am with Jennifer, my first thought was “Where did they get that table???” LOVE IT!!

    Keep up with me, Ted, and our Fab Four at

  3. Patricia says:

    We LOVE doing this! It’s also fun to run cars through it and make roads!
    I have also done it on cookie sheets for easier clean-up!


  4. leah says:

    i can’t believe how clean their clothes are – my poor kids with their paranoid, bib-enforcing mama! and where in the world did you get that AWESOME table??

  5. I love doing this, too…thanks for the reminder – I haven’t done it in a while though! Both my own kids and my students LOVE this fun activity!

  6. robbin says:

    I let my grandson make what he calls “explosions”. Just pour baking soda in a deep bowl, add a splash of vinegar and watch it fizz and pop, the more you add the more it fizzes and pops and thats why he calls it explosions! He can spend an hour doing this, I buy the largest cheapest vinegar I can find, get the baking soda often at the Dollar Stores like 3 boxes for $1.00 ……cheap, easy fun. Then “sometimes”, I let him fill acouple of bowls and add different food colorings to each one. He does one blue and calls it the ocean and has his characters jump in and out, he’ll do one in red/yellow and has them jumping in and out of fire, does one in green and calls it the swamp, again, creative, easy fun altho dealing with the food color is much messier and harder to clean (off of him) so that one is an occasional but boy does it make him smile!

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