How to Have a Ridiculously Good Time in a Gigantic Pile of Leaves

raking a giant leaf pile to jump in

Find a few mature trees that have lost their leaves. We found some giant leaf droppers at Eagle Creek Park.  Build a pile using anything around you.  Feet, Hands, and Large Sticks work great – no rake required! =)

how to build an enormous leaf pile for jumping

{The pictures don’t do this justice…Trust me, it was EPIC!} On the count of three get ready to jump in!

burrying kids in leaves

Jump in until you’re covered entirely with leaves. {Watch out to not jump on disappearing children.}

jumping in a leaf pile

Continue jumping…

throwing leaves in air

Then throw leaves into the air by the armloads…

kids playing in leaf piles fall fun

And roll around until the pile is flattened. 

photography leaf portrait shot  

Don’t forget to laugh, hoot, and holler. {And smile at the memories as you continue to dig pieces of leaves out of your underwear for the next 24 hours.}

9 thoughts on "How to Have a Ridiculously Good Time in a Gigantic Pile of Leaves"

  1. Lauren says:

    That is a really cute pic of you!!! And I love fall. I stuck my 12 month old in a pile of leaves for a photo, but she just wanted to eat them all 🙂

  2. Courtney says:

    Always love your photos! Especially loving the last one of you. 🙂 Looks like a blast and a great memory making time!

  3. Dan R Morris says:

    Your pictures are fantastic. I bet that was a ton of fun.

    Last year I did the same thing with my boys (and the neighbor kids) and turned it into a video. It doesn’t have nearly the majesty of your photos though – it just shows the excitement.

    Always a pleasure to visit your site,

  4. megryansmom says:

    I too love that last picture of you. Looks like your feeling much better after surgery.

  5. So much fun!!! Raking leaves is always more fun with kiddos!

  6. Christie says:

    Totally off topic…but I just saw that Kohl’s has “On the Night You Were Born” as one of their Kohl’s Cares for Kids picks. It’s $5, which is much cheaper than I’ve seen anywhere else. And part of the $$ goes to charity. I don’t even know if you’re still doing the NICU survival kits, but wanted to let you know!

  7. NLM says:

    This is great! Today I posted my 5 rules for raising nice kids. Sounds like you don’t even need them. (but please look anyway, lol).

  8. Grady Pruitt says:

    That looks like a fun pile to jump in! I know my kids would have fun with it. Fantastic pics, too!

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