Preemies to Kings

Our tiny miracles turn FIVE today. It’s absolutely astonishing.

Henry Samuel Murray (cq), bathed in blue ultraviolet light in the NICU at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007,  was the first in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was 2 lbs 11 ozs at birth.    The four brothers are all in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

What a road we’ve journeyed together, Sweet Miracle Boys!

Jenny Heminger, RN (cq, hands) checks digestion on Brooks Layton Murray (cq) in the NICU at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007.    Brooks was the second in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was 3 lbs at birth.    The four brothers are all in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

I never thought I’d give birth to a baby that would be dependent on ventilators, tubes, wires, and monitors to survive.  I never could have fathomed the helplessness I would feel to watch one of my babies struggle to breath so much that he would have to be paralyzed, that a swarm of medical staff would gather around his bedside for hours monitoring him, turning up settings, and maxing out on meds to save his life. To be so afraid that his life was about to end that I couldn’t even bare to take his picture for his first few days of life.

 Jenny Heminger, RN (cq) checks Brooks Layton Murray (cq) in the NICU at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007.  Brooks was the second in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was 3lbs at birth.    The four brothers are all in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

I never imagined not being able to hold or even touch my baby after my delivery. 

 Clark Thomas Murray (cq) rests in the NICU at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007.   He was the third in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was 3 lbs 6 ozs at birth.    The four brothers are all in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

I couldn’t have pictured a baby so tiny that they would swim in preemie clothes and blankets. A diaper that fit in my hand, a bottle that looked like it was made for a doll baby, a blood pressure cuff that could wrap around my index finger…

Jen Murray (cq) watches as Nataline Foskey, RNC (cq) puts Murray's son Isaac Edward Murray (cq) back into his NICU crib at St. Vincent Women's Hospital, Friday, February 9, 2007.  Isaac was the last in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was four lbs at birth.  All four of the babies are in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

I didn’t anticipate the way it would feel watching skilled nurses caring for you, feeding for you, providing for you, when all I could do was sit and watch. Giving my milk was the only thing that felt like being a mother, but even then it came through a tube instead of nursing in my arms.

Jen and Brad Murray (cq) hold their son Brooks Layton Murray (cq) while he is being fed by Jenny Heminger, RN (cq, hand), at the St. Vincent Women's Hospital NICU, Friday, February 9, 2007.  Brooks was the second in a set of quadruplets born to Jen and Brad Murray last Friday, February 2, 2007.  He was three lbs at birth.  All four of the babies are in the NICU.  (Kelly Wilkinson / The Indianapolis Star)

I never imagined the overwhelming sense of gratitude I would feel not just on the day of your birth, but daily. A thankfulness to our great God for giving us not just one life but four. A joy for the ability to watch you grow, learn, and thrive. An absolute awe in how the Lord has provided…

Four heartbeats who weren’t given the most promising shot at life, are healthy and happy – living like kings.

quadruplet boys fifth birthday

NICU photos taken at St.Vincent Women’s by IndyStar

38 thoughts on "Preemies to Kings"

  1. Kathy W. says:

    Happy Birthday to your miracles!
    (a grandmother of a singleton 24 weeker who is now 5 1/2).

  2. Janet Smith says:

    GOD IS SO GREAT! As well as St. Vincent Woman’s NICU is incredible. Love following the story of your little kings. Happy Birthday Boys! Congrats Mommy & Daddy for survivng five years!

    1. yay, for St. V’s NICU! so thankful!

  3. Julie says:

    Happy Birthday to four adorable boys

  4. Shannon says:

    Blessed x4! What an amazing journey and what a special day. Celebrate to the fullest, so much to be grateful for! Happy happy Birthday Clark, Brooks, Henry, and Isaac!!

  5. Happy Birthday Clark
    Happy Birthday Brooks
    Happy Birthday Henry
    Happy Birthday Isaac

    I hope you have a great fun filled day. I have so much enjoyed following your journey as you grow into such fine young boys.


  6. LuAnn Braley says:

    Happy Birthday to your handsome little guys! My daughter T-girl was born 8 weeks early, weighed just over 3 lbs at birth and turns 9 years old today! :O) Good things come in small packages!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUYS! Five is a really big deal, this year is going to be great!

  8. Jen says:

    That is so amazing! Happy Birthday to them. 🙂

  9. Stacey Holsey says:

    Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Murray Quads!!!

  10. Crystal says:

    Happy birthday to Brooks, Isaac, Clark & Henry! Welcome to the fantastic fives!

  11. Erin says:

    Happy five, boys! Five feels so… milestoney. So sniffly and sweet. Happy day.

  12. oh amanda says:

    GOD IS SO AWESOME! Happiest birthday to your sweet boys!!!


  13. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to my favorite quads in the world! Henry, Isaac, Brooks and Clark, I hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂 We love you!

  14. megryansmom says:

    Happy Birthday to 4 very handsome miracles. May God continue to bless all of you.

  15. Beautifully said…goosebumps! Happy, happy to your sweet, sweet boys! Can’t believe they are 5!! (5 is my favorite year so far btw…hope it is 4x as magical). Looking forward to the amazing work God is going to do in these 4 kings’ lives!! God Bless!

  16. Sarah says:

    Happy birthday, sweet boys!!!!

  17. Happy birthday to your quartet of little miracles! 🙂

    Looks like we’re from the same city! Nice to “meet” you!

  18. Pam Johnston says:

    Happy Birthday Brooks, Clark, Henry and Isaac! Wow you’ll are handsome young men an blessed with wonderful parents! I hope your day is fantastic.

    By the way, my grand daughter missed you birthday by one day, she was born yesterday, February 1! So exciting!

  19. Congratulations on the survival story of your boys!!! A friend shared your link on Facebook and I couldn’t help but rejoice with you and your family. Both my boys were preemies (our 27 weeker had a 6 month NICU stay) and I have been right where you were…thinking and hurting the same way you described. Thank you so much for sharing your story! May God continue to bless your charming little men!

  20. JessieLeigh says:

    *sniffle* *sob* *choke* And, over it all… AMEN and HALLELUJAH!!

    Happy Birthday to your precious miracles. I was transported in time as I read your words… the tubes… the vent… the meds… the watching levels… the waiting to hold… the milk through a tiny OG or NG tube… all of it. I only endured it x1, but it rocked my whole world and I’ll never be the same for it. How incredibly blessed we are and how TREMENDOUS our God is.

  21. Covington Grandma says:

    Ed and I will never stop praising the Lord for allowing Isaac, Henry, Brooks, and Clark survive a risky pregnancy and delivery and then survival in the NICU unit at St.Vincent Hospital. These 5 years have been a blessing to us as we have watched them develop, grow, and learn. Each year of their lives has been enjoyable and love continues to grow. We are also thankful for the wonderful parents that the boys have.

  22. Sonya says:

    Happy Birthday to your sweet boys!

  23. I love them and you so so so so much.

    So much.

    My life has been blessed knowing you.

  24. Megan says:

    Happy Birthday boys!! I’ve thought of them all day today (little groundhogs:). Thank you for sharing them with us!

  25. Happy Birthday to your amazing miracles! they are such great promise! My college roomie just gave birth to her son 3 months early. 1 lb 12 oz. Hoping and praying she can share the same story 5 years from now!

  26. AmazingGreis says:

    Happy Birthday to Henry, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac. Hope they had a super fun day!!

    Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks!

  27. Kara says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Henry, Isaac, Brooks, and Clark!!!!! I can’t believe you guys are 5!!!! I love and miss you guys! I hope to see you soon!! 🙂

  28. debi9kids says:

    Happy 5th birthday to your amazing blessings!

  29. Debbie says:

    Happy birthday to your wonderful 4 miracles……God is good!!

  30. Lauren Green says:

    Amazing story! God has definitely abundantly blessed you. Your boys are perfect and miracles!

  31. Melissa H says:

    I want you to know that I will never forget this delivery. It was such a blessing to be allowed to care for you and Brad during your pregnacy, but one of my most memoriable moments in nursing was being allowed to be part of your delivery. I’ll never forget it or the night that I spent with you and Brad in the NICU while the babies were fighting for their lives. Your amazing faith and strength inspired me! I continue to pray for you and your “miracle” babies today. I can not tell you the joy I get everytime I see your blog and know that everyone is doing so well. God has a wonderful way of letting us know we are were we need to be in life and I am so thankful for your reminder of faith and love for one another! Thank you both for reminding me that He is always with us, even in our daily work!
    Melissa RN

  32. Gail says:

    Happy 5th Birthday Henry, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac! You are becoming young men right before my eyes…God is SO good! I can’t wait to “hear” all about your big day!

    Annapolis, MD

  33. teresa says:

    Happy 5th Birthday Clark, Brooks, Henry & Isaac!!!!! I love reading your parents’ blog. You’ve been blessed with wonderful parents that love Jesus. Have an amazing year birthday boys!!!!

  34. Becky says:

    Happy Birthday Boys!! Yay for 5 yr olds! My twins just turned 6 and I am dying to know what your plans for kindergarten are? I had no problem separating my twins–one in each class. What are you going to do with 4?

  35. Emily says:

    Aw, you made me cry. I hope your kings had a royally good time on their birthday!

  36. Oh my gracious. They are so incredibly tiny in the hospital photos. What a wonder they are. Happy, happy birthday boys!

  37. sweet, sweet boys. oh, girl…having 1 there seemed like so.much.heartache… i don’t know how you did it with 4. i just look at their sweet little faces and see joy and grace…and rowdy. because all boys is all rowdy, all the time. 🙂 xo, friend.

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