Labradoodle Sitting or Unsitting

gray labradoodle female indiana

No she’s not ours. Although the boys would LOVE her to be…

We are just borrowing her from a week.  You might call it “dog sitting” , but there’s been less “sitting” and more ball throwing, chasing, walking, petting, tug of warring and dressing up that I’m sure Macy is accustomed to.

labradoodle in cowboy hat

She’s taken it all in stride.  Labradoodles are incredible with kids, and she’s no exception. 

captain america costume for dogs

Today her owners (Brad’s sister and bro-in-law) return from paradise, and I’m afraid of how much they are going to miss having a pet in the house.

gray labradoodle female calm great with kids   

But for now I think “unsitting” is the way to go!

dog sitting for a labradoodle

How about YOU – Do you have a family pet? How does it work for YOUR family?

11 thoughts on "Labradoodle Sitting or Unsitting"

  1. I’m not a huge fan of dogs, but Macy is C-U-T-E!

    And I think if you get a dog, you should name is Quinn! (I was thinking about that name for our fifth baby since it means fifth!)

  2. Jennifer McDougal says:

    Wr adopted a boxer from a Boxer rescue. She was already trained and has been a tremendous addition to our family. My kids are 9, 7 and 4 and they all share responsibility for feeding and caring for her. Best thing we ever did!

  3. Kristy says:

    Thanks for dog sitting! It looks like she has had as much fun as the boys. We miss her and can’t wait to get home. Leaving Jamaica in 2 hours.

  4. Gail says:

    When our son was a freshman at Mississippi State, he “adopted” a stray puppy. On his way to his internship in Ohio, he dropped off the four-month old puppy at our house in Maryland so we could “puppy-sit” over the summer until classes resumed. Well, fast forward four years…our son is still in Mississippi and his puppy is still loving life in Maryland, lol! We fell in love with this pup! I’ve heard this happens a lot when kids go off to college…just saying – your empty nest may not stay empty for long!

    Annapolis, MD

  5. Emily says:

    I think they are going to find themselves with a very spoiled dog who will have to acclimated to not having the boys around 😉

  6. Diane says:

    We have a black lab that my children absolutely adore. We also have four 5 yr olds and a 10 yr old, so I do have some help in the care of Hubble. There are definitely days when I feel like he is more work than he’s worth…then I see the kids with him and know he is perfect for our family. Labs are such great family dogs.

  7. Diane says:

    ps…it’s great that you get a chance to see what it would be like to have a dog around. For some reason, boys and dogs just go together!! 🙂 Maybe Macy needs a new cousin-dog!!

  8. Crystal says:

    We have Klaus, the best dog in the world. He’s a 6-year-old black lab, and we got him from the pound when he was 3 months. That was before we had kids, so I literally spent about 2 hours a day working with him on commands for at least 6 months. It paid off. He runs at least 25 miles a week with me, doesn’t bark, jump, chew or lick (even when he was a puppy!) and is perfect with kids. I’m already dreading the day he won’t be around.

  9. Sarah L says:

    We have a labradoodle. He is amazing with children!

  10. We have 2 dogs, both that were here long before we had kids. Our boys are interestingly more interested in the dogs than our daughter is – the boys like to help feed the dogs, let them in/out and pet them. Maybe you’re right…boys and dogs just go together!?

    I will say, I am not sure I’d get a puppy while I have little ones around – a LOT of work! ha! I’m glad the dogs were grown before the kids came along. 🙂

  11. Cindy Conner says:

    We just welcomed a Lhasa-poo into our family a few months ago. After several months of searching for a “hypoallergenic” dog as our youngest is allergic to cats and some dogs. We found her for sale in the “Sam’s” parking lot near our home. “Blackberry” gives all of us her unconditional love. She “puts the boys to bed” at night, wakes them up in the morning and unintentionally made the boys keep their play room clean. How does she help them keep their rooms clean? After several mangled “Star Wars” action figures (they must be bacon flavored or something) they decided to put them up after they are done playing with them! Who knew “Blackberry” would help me to keep our home less messy! She is part of our family and our boys love their puppy!

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