1st Day of K

first day of kindergarten signs 1st day of kindergarten for quadruplets first day of kindergarten 2012 signs first day of school kindergarten printable signs

One printable first day of school sign wouldn’t do. 😉

Today these handsome fellas started their 1 day a week program. There were no tears shed for either side. Just a few welled up in my eyes that I didn’t let escape in front of them.{Although I had to fight them back heavily when one of the teachers who knows them well started tearing up.} One hugged his daddy’s leg tightly for a minute.

And then they were off.

They walked down the hallway and into a new milestone of their lives. What a journey this has been, Friends!

16 thoughts on "1st Day of K"

  1. amy c says:

    i’m really confused, i thought you were homeschooling?

    1. QuatroMama says:

      It’s a 1 day a week program that will supplement what we are doing at home.

  2. Seeing them so happy and so ready for this event makes it a little easier, but I still have a lump in my throat. I’m sure they will love it and do well. When we were so involved in changing diapers, bathing, fixing formula, feeding, cuddling,little did we realize how soon this day would come.

  3. PRECIOUS! Oh man, I think *I* just teared up. Love those little men and love their momma and daddy too. 🙂 Enjoy your day!


  4. Lauren says:

    Wow…I have mixed emotions…first that was the very door and front porch that my first baby was carried onto and through when I brought him home from the hospital 10 years ago. I remember signing on that wonderful house while in labor with him! And now to see your precious boys standing in that very spot, off to Kindergarden. It seems as though it was truly yesterday when the ” baby quads” moved into “our” house. Isn’t our King so amazing. I love how he brings people together and I love that He puts people in our lives to encourage us….ALL FOR HIS GLORY! You are amazing parents, all glory to our King! 🙂

  5. I can’t imagine sending four at once – way to go, Momma! What a blessing they must be!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  6. Allyson says:

    I think my friend Glenda’s daughter Nia is going to the same program. She will be in “2nd” grade!

  7. Emily says:

    Ha! I think I told you I have been extra weepy lately! 😉 They look all spiffy and grown up in their uniforms. Honestly, I think they loved it! They were all business sitting at their tables this afternoon. : )

  8. Laura says:

    Good job, momma! Be sure to reward yourself with a well-deserved latte…my four are all different ages and I tear up with each one!

  9. Barbara says:

    What handsome young boys you have…they look so grown up going off to Kindergarten. Hope the year is a wonderful for all of you.

  10. Kate says:

    You have four very handsome little men!

  11. Kara says:

    About to cry!!! 🙂 I seriously cannot believe how big they are!! I miss you all so much and am so happy about all the exciting things you guys have been able to do lately!! You have so many more years ahead of you to do so many incredible things and I hope school/homeschool goes well!! So excited for you!! Boys, I hope you had a fantastic first day as kindergarteners! I hope to see you sometime soon!! (I’ll have my license in a few months so I will have to drive over to Brownsburg and invade your house haha 😉 just kidding!

  12. Jen says:

    OH, just look at those sweet little smiles! I know what my two are like when they’re together and I can just imagine those two TIMES two! You’re in for such a fun year!!

  13. Sharon Shelby says:

    Precious picture and 4 precious boys. They look so happy!! Treasure these days because time will fly by so fast.

  14. Meg says:

    LOVE the pictures!! So sweet. Can’t tell which is which, but the cutie 2nd from left looks quite contemplative. Does he tend to be more of an observer?

  15. wow!!! How exciting, how emotional!!! They look like they are super excited – hope all went well!

    My two start Kdg next Tuesday….*sniff sniff* How did our kiddos get this big already!?!?!

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