His Grace Is More Than Enough, When I’m Not Enough

his grace is more than enough when I'm not enough

Summer is threatening to leave us soon.  School supplies, pool closings, fall sports being practiced on any open field, are constant reminders that it will escape us once again. We’ll carefully pack up our five-year-old summer memories, and voyage into a new adventure soon.

Change is hard, necessary, and unfamiliar, yet we’ll travel there together. There’s comfort in numbers, right?  

We can never relive these moments again together, so I long to pack them with purpose over regrets. Certainly I will not look back on these days and wish I had read more Facebook status, had sparkling kitchen floors,  spent more time worrying over finances, or gotten frustrated more with my sons.

The summer sun will set soon, and so will the days of their childhood. How will I make it count for their good? There’s so much more to teach them than phonics and math facts.

The struggle in finding where to bend, when to break, and how to balance continues. Again I’m reminded that I cannot stand on my own strength alone. 

When will I learn that “enough” is not attainable?

How many times will I find that my faith is smaller than I had perceived?

Why do I not look to Him  to meet all my needs – that His way is bigger and better?  Always better.

When will I start looking upward first instead of outward?

Yet His forgiveness…it’s endless. And His grace…it’s sufficient for all theses messes I’ve made out of mothering.

It’s more than enough when I’m not enough.

11 thoughts on "His Grace Is More Than Enough, When I’m Not Enough"

  1. Kelly says:

    I need to read this every day. 🙂

  2. Tracey says:

    Keep looking upward, dear one!

  3. Alaine says:

    So true, and such well written reminder of His promises!

  4. connie ashenfelter says:

    Amen and Amen!
    Love your heart.
    Thankful for God’s grace where I fail.

  5. Beautiful! This is exactly what I needed to hear today! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Siob says:

    Jen, you have an amazing spirit!

  7. Such a great reminder for motherhood and on faith. I cherish my summers off of school SOOO much with my own children. I love getting to do all the fun things we can each year – making memories, having fun. It makes me sad to realize I’ll beheading back to work in a few weeks…but trying to enjoy every last minute in the meantime!

  8. Oh, Jen!!! E is heading to kindergarten, too. Less than two weeks from now. I feel it’s not only summer slipping from my hands but the free days of young childhood. Knot in stomach. It is a good time for reflection, isn’t it?!

  9. Pingback: What I’m Reading
  10. Cindy says:

    What a great reminder for myself as we finish out our last few weeks of summer here in the mid-west. Thank you for your honesty.

  11. Engee says:

    Ahaa ! This is what I needed to hear right now …. thanks

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