Poolside Summer 2012

We’ve spent a lot of time poolside this summer, with swim lessons and afternoons at our neighborhood pool.  The weather has been record setting HOT and DRY, which makes for great pool days.

I experimented a little with Brad’s new MacBook Pro’s  iMovie  today to put together a little video collage of some of the summer pool highlights.


They race from one end of the pool to the other so many times that I have to make them stop and rest.  Otherwise, they crash from hunger and exhaustion in less than an hour. 

The Olympics have encouraged their races and competitive spirits all the more.  Last week, Clark was announcing the winners of the race and said, “Isaac gets gold, Brooks gets silver, and Henry gets the PENNY!”  And no matter how many times we correct them, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac keep calling the greatest Olympian “Michael Phel-ups”.

Let’s hope this summer has a few more pool days left in it, before fall is here to stay!

3 thoughts on "Poolside Summer 2012"

  1. Courtney says:

    Haha, love that Henry gets a penny! They are good little swimmers! I don’t think I swam that well at 5! Amazingly, I have not been swimming at all this summer, but I am going to a pool party on the 21st. I heard the hot weather is supposed to last longer into fall than normal so she get some more pool days.

  2. Crystal says:

    Love the diving part the best!

  3. They’re doing great!! I Love that idea for teaching kids to dive. Our twins are swimming too…not quite as good as your crew but definitely enough to hold their own! They’ve both finally gotten brave enough to jump in but I don’t see any dives in our future yet!

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