Gulf Shores Family Vacation Photo Overload

One look at the ocean, and the thirteen hours of driving in a minivan of six fades. All of the memories and fun that followed are just bonus material. 

brothers on the beach family picture gulf shores

We spent a week in Gulf Shores, Alabama, with Brad’s family last week, and it was unforgettable.  We spent most days the same as the first: digging in the sand, swimming in the ocean, searching for crabs, boogie boarding, swimming in the pool, and sharing meals together.

family beach photography gulf shores alabama

It was as relaxing as vacationing with four boys in front of a massively vast ocean could be! 😉 {Life guard duty got a little tiring at times.  These boys have NO FEAR of waves or the ocean.}

gulf shores beach swimming with kids

I don’t often bombard you with a ridiculous amount of pictures, but these are the ones I couldn’t resist sharing after going through 100s.

dreamland ribs bbq for kids

On our way south, the boys got their first real taste of ribs at Dreamland.  {Isaac}

things to do at the beach gulf shores alabama 

I think we’re still cleaning out sand from cracks and crevices. ;)  {Brooks}

beach bum gulf shores alabama kid 

If this beach bum doesn’t make you laugh, I’m not sure what will… {Clark}

building sand castle with kids gulf shores alabama

The start of a sandcastle, which turned into a massive hole.  Because what boy doesn’t love getting to dig all day long?   

finding hermit crabs gulf shores alabama

When they weren’t in the sand, they were boogie boarding, swimming, or hunting for crabs.  A four hour endeavor of happy entertainment one day! {Henry}

hermit crab hunting on the beach gulf shores alabama

This is one day’s catch.  All hermit crabs.

louisiana lagniappe orange beach alabama dinner

Brad and I were able to escape for a date night one night to Louisiana Laginappe. Best Friend on the Planet!

swimming at night gulf shores alabama

Meanwhile, the boys went for a night swim and made goofy faces.

family portrait gulf shores beach

It was one of those refreshing and reflective trips that made me so thankful for my family that God has given me.

    how to get a good beach family portrait

I’m so thankful my boys have each other.   Brothers through thick and thin.

sunset family walk gulf shores alabama

And I’m relishing these days I get to still hold onto their hands.

13 thoughts on "Gulf Shores Family Vacation Photo Overload"

  1. Kim says:

    What a great trip! I fondly remember visiting my grandparents at Island Winds West in Gulf Shores for many years…the sugar white sand that got everywhere, the shock as I realized ocean water is SALTY, the dolphins that swam by every monring as we ate breakfast on the balcony, the neat little (and big) souvenir shops and the fabulous shrimp! Do they still have the souvenir shop with the shark mouth at the entrance?

  2. just beautiful. my favorite pics are the one of you and brad on your date and the last one of you with the boys at sunset. makes me all teary.

  3. Do you know how often I dream about Dreamland? It’s a tradition to stop there on our way to the beach for our Girls’ Trip. I hope you had some banana pudding! You can overload us with photos of your sweet family anytime.

  4. Looks like you had a great time. Did your boys race crabs? I grew up on the shores of the pacific ocean and that was a favorite activity of my sister and I all summer long, we would hunt for crabs under rocks and then pick one out each and mark a start and a finish line in the sand and race them!

  5. Courtney says:

    Great photos! I don’t think you can ever post too many photos of your cuties. 🙂

  6. SO. Beautiful. I love the hand-holding 🙂

  7. Crystal says:

    Has your hair always been this long?!? Looks like a blast!

  8. Debbie says:

    Love the pics. Thanks for sharing. Love first with the back of the boys holding hands looking out over the ocean

  9. Vicki says:

    Wonderful pictures of my home state! Glad you got to enjoy Dreamland while you were here! We had moved away from Alabama for three years and just moved back last spring, and we are still SO BLESSED to have been able to come home when we did. You have a beautiful family! I came over from Myra’s my blessed life to visit you! Have a blessed week!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      We had an incredible time, Vicki. LOVE Dreamland and wish there was one closer than 12 hours! So glad you found us – keep in touch!

  10. Amy says:

    Love the sweet pics:) your boys are precious. And can I just say, wow! That’s a lot of hermit crabs! Looking forward to getting to know you through the blogsphere.

  11. What amazing pictures! Glad you had such a wonderful trip with your family!

  12. Allison says:

    We’re heading to Gulf Shores/Ft Morgan next week for a beach trip with my husband’s family! It’s my home state and I don’t think any other beaches hold a candle to the Gulf!

    What fun to see these pictures and know you had an awesome time last year.

    I WISH Dreamland were on the way for us, but we’re only coming from GA! Best. ribs. ever. And any of the other Dreamland restaurants just aren’t as good (there are a couple here in the ATL metro and one in Bham) as the original!

    Speaking of food, did you try the Crab Shack? That’s one of the places we always eat.

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