Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 10}: Jump in a Leaf Pile

Day 10 Jump in A Leaf Pile Siimple Outdoor Adventures for Boys 

Go for a Jump in a Leaf Pile…


  • Lots of Fallen Leaves
  • Rake(s)
  • Comfortable Clothes

The most rewarding part of raking a gigantic pile of leaves?  Jumping in with both feet!  The more hands the bigger the pile…and don’t be too shy to take the plunge yourself.  The joy you’ll share on the “Blanket of Fall” will be worth the many pieces of leaves that you’ll pluck from every part of your body later.  😉

Also realize that no matter how serious you are about cleaning up the leaves from your yard, the pile will be simply irresistible for little hands, feet, and bodies!

So what are you waiting for?  Take the dive. Roll around. Toss some leaves into the crisp Fall air. Repeat!


  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* Leaves can be scratchy so wear clothing that covers your body well.

* You can often find kid sized rakes at dollar stores that work perfectly for little hands.

Have You Ever Taken a Plunge in a Giant Pile of Leaves? 

5 thoughts on "Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 10}: Jump in a Leaf Pile"

  1. Crystal says:

    We used to do that all the time when we were kids! One of favorite bloggers, Kelle Hampton, is a MIchigan girl now living in Florida. Every fall she has her mom send her a giant boxful of leaves in the mail so her kids can enjoy the thrill, too. 🙂

    1. QuatroMama says:

      Awwwww…that’s precious!

    2. QuatroMama says:

      PS I love her too…did you read Bloom?

      1. Crystal says:

        No, not yet. I bought it for a friend in AK who had a DS baby right around the time Bloom came out, but I haven’t got around to buying a copy for myself yet. But I will! Have you?

        1. QuatroMama says:

          Yes. It’s beautiful.

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