Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 11}: Climb a Tree

Day 11 Climb A Tree Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys

Go Climb a Tree…


  • Shoes (sandals were not a wise choice)
  • A Good Climbing Tree
  • Pants

Climbing trees is a right of passage for boys.  However, there is some technique to the sport. You first want to find a sturdy tree that will support your child’s weight.  Find a tree with branches that are close together, strong, and begin close enough to the ground to reach.

 climbing trees as kids outdoor adventures

  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* Hooking your arms and using your legs for power is a great technique.

* A tree branch should be thicker than your arm to hold your weight.

* Remember whatever goes up must come down!

Do You Let Your Children Climb Trees?

9 thoughts on "Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 11}: Climb a Tree"

  1. Crystal says:

    I swear you’re covering everything I used to do as a child. What does that say about my femininity? 😉

    1. QuatroMama says:

      It tells me that you probably embrace the dirt and adventure better than me…which makes you a great mama. =)

  2. Kathy W. says:

    Other than the sap, large white pine trees are the best.
    I spent a lot of time 30′ up when I visited my grandma’s house.
    My kids have also spent a lot of time up in the white pine tree near our driveway.

  3. We ended up having to nail a few pieces of wood for a ladder onto our backyard tree — it was safer than the kids pulling the plastic slide over and piling bricks on top to get to the bottom branch!

  4. Angie S. says:

    Of course we let our kids climb trees! If you’re in the Indy area, there’s a great climbing tree in Holliday Park right in the center of the playground. There are some good ones on the grounds of the IMA, too.

    1. QuatroMama says:

      I KNEW you would know some good ones…this tree was at Holiday Park =)

  5. Wanda says:

    My kids *love* climbing trees!

    We currently bribe them to participate in worship each Sunday by saying they can climb the trees after church is we see them singing. (Hubby and I are both on stage and can’t poke them in the middle of a song. This is the next best thing.)

    My six year old has rigged a skipping-rope-pulley in our back yard so that he can get himself up into the tall maple in our back yard. I love his adventurous spirit!

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