Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 20}: Make a Homemade Fishing Pole

{Sorry for the delay in these posts.  Brad and I came down with strep throat this weekend and have been just plain miserable. The posts days will no longer coincide with the date, and this will run a tad into November, but I’m sure you will give me/us some grace!}

Day 20 Make a homemade diy cane fishing pole simple outdoor adventures for boys

How To Make a Homemade Fishing Pole…


  • 8–12 ft  Long Sturdy Stick
  • 20 ft of String
  • 5 ft of Fishing Line
  • Small Fishing Hook
  • Hand Saw
  • Pruning Scissors

Most boys dearly love the art of catching a fish if you just give them the chance. You don’t need to be an expert, and you don’t need to catch anything large. Most tiny creeks that run under county roads have 3-5 inch fish long enough to catch on a tiny hook. What makes the adventure of fishing even grander in the eye of most boys? Making the pole yourself!

This one is very easy to do, and believe it or not, a homemade pole is actually easier to fish with than one from the store. You don’t have to learn to cast and reel, just hang the long pole out over the water and lower the bait.

First, find a long straight stick about an inch or two thick and 8-10 feet long. Cut all twigs and branches off of it. Next, tie your 20 feet of string about 4 inches from the end of the pole. Wrap the remaining string around the top of the pole. Just to make it easy to tie on a small hook, take 3-5 feet of thin fishing line and tie it to the end of the string. To do this, make a knot in the end of the string, then knot the fishing line above the knot in the string. Last, tie a small fishing hook to the end of the line. That’s it!

When you get to your fishing hole, unwind enough string so that your hook can reach the water, then just lower it in with some bait of your choice. Worms are always great fish bait, but if you don’t like worms, raw bacon, ham, or hot dog works great too. We even got blue gill to bite some small flowers we stuck on the hook!

 how to make a homemade fishing pole from a stick and string cane pole


  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* Talk about safety and expectations before you head out on your fishing adventure! {Consider taking life jackets with you}

* Find the smallest hook you can get you hands on, it will catch more fish!

* If your string wants to fray or come apart when you cut it, have a match or lighter on hand to melt the end together.

fishing with a homemade cane fishing pole outdoor adventures for boys.jpg

Have you ever went fishing with your kid(s)? 

Also, I keep forgetting to mention that I’ve created a Simple Outdoor Adventures Pinterest board with resources, activities, and ideas.  Feel free to follow along and share!

3 thoughts on "Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 20}: Make a Homemade Fishing Pole"

  1. Amy says:

    Glad to see you are back. I hope that means you are feeling better!

  2. Crystal says:

    Blue gill are not the smartest of fish. 🙂 Hope you’re feeling better.


    thanks for DIY I will try to make a rod for my 2 yr old grandson. We can fish in the Charles river which runs through the middle of the city in Cambridge,Mass.
    My heart aches with pleasure looking at your handsome family.

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