Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 25} : Make a Zip Line for Toys

Day 25 Make a Zip Line for Toys Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys

How to Make a Zip Line for Toys…


outdoor zipline for kids

This might be my favorite creation, and most long-lasting entertainment yet! My boys loved sending their superhero’s for a ride down this DIY Toy Zip Line.  The great thing about it is how easy it is to create! If you know how to tie a simple knot, you have the expertise for this!

First, you will need to get your zip line riders ready. Go to your local hardware store and pick up some metal screw hooks. Attach the screw hooks to the back of the toy figure by wrapping a couple rounds of electrical tape around its waist and the hook.

Next, find a high place that your children can climb for the top of the zip line. Great examples for this are a tree house, play set, climbing tree, barn loft, etc. If nothing else, the city park slide would work. Any height will do, but higher starting points mean longer zip line rides for the toy figures. Tie off one end of the string to the high point in a location that can easily be reached to attach the toy figure.

Lastly, pull the line tight down near the ground and have your child send the figure down for a test ride. You will want to check the angle before you tie it off. Depending on the weight of the figure and how slick the string, you may have to adjust the distance until it is steep enough to allow gravity to keep the figure moving down the line. In our case, we tied it to our moveable grill in the back yard. This gave me the freedom to move the grill to the perfect location. When you find the right bottom location, tie off your line as tightly as possible, and you are set for hours of fun!

Bonus addition – you can make a pulley from a heavy rock and string to pull up your action figure!

  how to make a zipline outside for toys outdoor adventures for boys


  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* You can also do this activity inside from a second story railing if you have one.

* If your string wants to fray or come apart when you cut it, have a match or lighter on hand to melt the end together.

zip line for toys outdoor activity for kids

Do you think your boy(s) would enjoy zip lining with their toys? 

9 thoughts on "Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 25} : Make a Zip Line for Toys"

  1. Love! Love! Love! You’re amazing! 😉

  2. Oh my goodness! My boys would LOVE this!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. What a brilliant idea! My boys will love this one!

  4. This is BRILLIANT. My girls will love this. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Kim says:

    awesome idea! i’m emailing this to my hubby right now!

    1. QuatroMama says:

      My hubby came up with the idea! =) Glad to hear you are passing it along to him!

  6. Emma says:

    made this for my boy this morning – he loves it – teddy can fly now

    1. QuatroMama says:

      GREAT! Glad to hear that he loves it!

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