13 Good Reads for 2013

13 Good Reads for 2013

I love getting a good book recommendation, it’s like a gift that keeps unwrapping itself within each page.  Once Brad bought me my Kindle {just the basic cheap, easy on your eyes one} I reclaimed my reading groove after kids. Reading is my selfish unwind time that I sneak into my busy days.  A 1/2 a chapter at the end of a bath, a 1/4 of a chapter while the boys are occupied, or a few pages before I crash for the night…

And I LOVE my reading aloud time with the boys. We’ve been slowly working through our 65 Read Aloud Books for Boys list.  So far we’ve completed The Indian in the Cupboard, The Tale of Despereaux, and Mr. Popper’s Penguins.

I also love hearing what’s on your “to-read” lists, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing mine as well.

Here are some books that I plan on reading in 2013 – hopefully I’ll read even more (especially fiction since I haven’t added any yet to that category)!!!

Parenting Reads for 2013

give them grace - elyse m. fitzpatrick and jessica thompson  simplicity parenting - kim john payne wild things - stephen james and david thomas

  • Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson  “Being good” isn’t what we really want for our kids – we want to lavish them in the grace of the gospel…
  • Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne This book has been recommended several times and seems to be a message that I want to implement even more…
  • Wild Things by Stephen James and David Thomas I had the opportunity to hear David Thomas speak at DotMom in Birmingham, and look forward to reading more of his insight on parenting boys within these pages…


Home Reads for 2013

artisian bread in five minutes a day - jeff hertzberg and zoe fancois the reluctant entertainer - sandy coughlin the good life for less - amy clark


Faith Reads for 2013

follow me - david platt multiply - francis chan interrupted - jen hatmaker

  • Follow Me by David Platt This book will be released next month and it looks like it will be powerful…
  • Multiply by Francis Chan I look forward to digging into this read on the contagious chain of discipleship…
  • Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker I read 7 : An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker in 2012 which was both convicting and compelling, and I think this will be as well…


Kids Read Alouds for 2013

the intevention of hugo cabret - brian selznick thoughts to make your heart sing - sally lloyd-jones the mouse and the motorcycle - beverly clearly

So that’s 12 books I’d like to check off my to-read list in 2013…now YOU are responsible for picking out #13…or 14, 15, 16, etc. =)  I’d love a few recommendations from your own Must-Read Lists!

10 thoughts on "13 Good Reads for 2013"

  1. Teej says:

    I would say you need a literary book thrown in there to nurture your creativity! One of my favorite, favorite novels (that I just re-read over Christmas, so it is top on my mind) is “Angle of Repose” by Wallace Stegner. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1972. It is long, but the writing is beautiful and the characters LIVE. They seem so real to me, and I always think about them for several weeks after I finish the book. It is also the kind of book where you simultaneously want to savor every word but also rush ahead to find out what happens next! If you choose to read it, I hope you enjoy it!

  2. ohAmanda says:

    I need to add some new books to my read-aloud pile. I’ve been wanting that Hugo Cabret book, too!

    I just finished (like 10 minutes ago) reading Pavilion of Women by Pearl S. Buck and it was so incredibly interesting. Have you read anything by her? If not, do The Good Earth first. *whew*

    Anywhoo. Miss you, friend.

  3. joan says:

    Are you familiar with the Boxcar books? Might be a little old for your boys–my 2/3 graders loved the series.

    I see the Mouse and the Motorcycle on your post. One year I started the year in the classroom with a Mouse…book for everyone and we made it our first month’s reading program. I had lots of creative things and work sheets I made to go with it. It was probably the highlight of the kids’ year. They loved it.

    Reading aloud to your kiddos is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. My now 19 year old grandson came for a week end when he was around 15 and he said, “Gram, I’ve decided we are going to read all of my favorites you read to me when I was little.” He went to the book case and collected all of his favorites and I spent the week end reading them to him!! Reading aloud to a child is the gift that never ends!


  4. I just finished reading “The Help” (maybe you’ve seen the movie) and it was sooooooooooo good!!! I haven’t seen the movie but the book sucked me in and held me there! it was a great read. highly recommend

  5. Emily says:

    I have a board on Pinterest “Books: Too many, not enough time” that I keep adding to all the time. I’ve been reading too much fiction and am trying to mix it up, but you might enjoy seeing some I have found from following others. I also keep track of what I have read each year and try to write a mini-synopsis and/or whether or not I enjoyed it.

  6. Krista D says:

    I’m about half way through the “Wild Things” book and I’m really enjoying it.

    I enjoyed “Mom Connection” by Tracey Bianchi when I read it last spring.

    Thanks for the other ideas! I’m always looking for more read aloud books to enjoy with my 4 year old.

  7. Steph says:

    If you haven’t already, read Love Does by Bob Goff. It’s a quick, entertaining, and inspiring read.

  8. I looooove The Reluctant Entertainer. It is just excellent. Also? I finished 7 yesterday and am dying, just dying. I literally bagged up 75 pieces of clothing to take to goodwill tonight. SEVENTY-FIVE. From MY closet. Gah.

  9. Crystal says:

    That’s so funny — one of my to-dos for today is to write a blog reviewing the best books I read in 2012! 🙂 Thanks for your ideas; I’m sure I’ll be picking some.

  10. Amy W. says:

    I don’t know how I missed this post, but I love it. I love reading to my kids. They range in age from 2-12 but it’s so nice for us all to sit quietly and cuddle up and read together. We finished The Pictorial Pilgrem’s Progress and are starting to read A Cricket In Time Square. My favorite faith books are a series written by Nancy Leigh DeMoss called Brokeness, Surrender, and Holiness. Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free is also good by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. We are wanting to read The Invention of Hugo Cabret also. I am really interested in reading Wild Things now. Thanks for posting.

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