Texas-Sized KidVentures: Rodeo

Turns out everything IS bigger in Texas…even the KidVentures! We had a generous helping of adventures last week during our trip to Texas, and I’ll be sharing those here this week.

adventures with kids going to a rodeo

You can’t get more Texan than rodeo, sweet tea, cowboy boots, and brisket. We were happy to experience of those and more last week.  Our friends are neighbors with a farm that hosted a roping competition over the Memorial Day holiday, so we loaded up the gator and checked it out.

More than the competition itself, my boys enjoyed petting the horses, and meeting a little “wrangler” friend.  He was more than happy to show off his riding skills and teach the boys a thing or two. 

taking kids to a rodeo

The horses were gorgeous, and so gentle with the boys.  Although this horse appears to be giving them the freaked-out eye!

teaching kids about horse safety

Naturally the boys are now asking for a pet horse, but they were able to check out the stables and see how much work goes into caring for this beautiful animal.

texas rodeo petting horses

I don’t think our backyard could hold her, Boys!

   petting horses with kids  

So glad my little Buckaroos were able to experience a little rodeo while we were in Texas, maybe next time we’ll get to do some riding.


Have you ever taken your kids to a rodeo?


Looking for more ideas to keep your kids busy and make this summer memorable?  Check out the KidVentures ebook for awesome bucket list activities all in one resource! 


4 thoughts on "Texas-Sized KidVentures: Rodeo"

  1. Crystal says:

    We’ve got our first rodeo of the summer coming up this Friday! We LOVE rodeos! Avinly even has her first pair of cowgirl boots ready to go. 🙂

    1. QuatroMama says:

      The boots KILL me! Love kid cowboy boots.

  2. WM says:

    If you live near Indianapolis there is a Rodeo at the Boone County Fairgrounds this weekend. Kids get in free. More information here http://www.thearcgbc.org/boonecountyrodeo2012.htm

    1. QuatroMama says:

      GREAT! Thanks for sharing!

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