Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
So the boys have been on a real kick of “Boys Rule, Girls Drool”. It’s been a bit of a conflict as a mom outnumbered by boys. I honestly don’t know where it comes from, but I’ve been trying to reinforce that girls are God’s incredible creation too, and a gift. Different sure, but not inferior.
I’ve felt like I was wasting my breath completely.
“Hey boys we are meeting your friends from school at the park today. Isn’t that fun?”
“Well, not that fun because they’re girls. They will probably want to do princess stuff.”
“I don’t think they are really into princesses and it’s at a park not a castle. ”
(Turns out they had a lot of fun and girls like to look in the pond for critters too! Shocking!)
So it’s been a back and forth that we’ve been volleying this summer, but they might just might be coming around.
Because at Steak and Shake the other day this mom comes up to me and says, “Quite the ladies man you have there!” I thought she was just making a comment that he was handsome, until she informed me that Henry had winked at her teen daughter a table away.
I didn’t even know the kid could wink. I thought she must have been mistaken. Perhaps he had a French fry in his eye. But no, I ask him and he owns up to it immediately and demonstrates his flirtatious wink.
And then at the fair they all fought for turns holding hands with Madeline.
Guess all girls aren’t so repulsive after all. Sweet just like a big bag of Cotton Candy and a funnel cake.
I totally enjoy your blog! I laughed out loud! Your boys are really too cute!!
Awww! You are still such an encouragement, Siob!
We still are getting great use out of the train towels!
Haha! Jude will bat his eyelashes on request.
Maybe they could share some tricks!
Hilar!!!! Good grief, we are in for it! =)