This Boy…


This is the boy who wasn’t expected to survive the pregnancy due to cord tangling with his monoamniotic twin.

This boy wasn’t expected to live past his second day, when I met him for the first time to possibly say “hello” and “goodbye” in the same breath.

This boy gave us five weeks of scares in the NICU and came home looking so fragile.

This boy took his first steps at 18 months, and we celebrated.

This boy doesn’t fit the mold of a high-risk quadruplet who struggled so much in his first weeks of life.

This boy continues to “beat the odds”.

This boy is bright, strong, brave, creative, and hilarious.

This boy’s heart is gold.

This boy is unstoppable.

This boy is living proof that miracles still happen.

We love you, Clark, and your miracle sidekick brothers. We give thanks to the Giver of life for enriching our lives through the gift we have in you.

9 thoughts on "This Boy…"

  1. Lyndse says:

    As we eagerly await the day our 20-month-old daughter will sit, crawl, walk, or talk…I read this and wept tears of joy for you! I love watching your boys grow. What a blessing.

    1. Praying for your daughter and all the amazing things in her future…thank you for celebrating the joys with us.

  2. We thank the Lord every day for “this boy” and his miraculous brothers We are eternally grateful for the many, many ones who prayed for their safety in the high risk pregnancy and delivery and for the early days of infancy when they required so much care. The Lord has blessed our family over and over through their lives. And also for their wonderful parents who seek to raise them to be glorifying to HIM.

    1. What a blessing your words and the way you love them so well is to us!

  3. Teresa says:

    Yay, Clark! Praising God for all He has done (and will do) in your life.

  4. Just incredible!! While my two didn’t face the same challenges as your four, there are times I still sit back in amazement of how far they’ve come!

  5. Autumn Sojka says:

    Absolutely love your sweet Murray boys! What a gift they all are to know 🙂 God surely has a great plan for each of them.

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