How to Cook the Best Steak of Your Life: 5 Minute {INCREDIBLE} Steak Marinade


We are blessed to have a freezer full of cow that we use weekly for burgers, roasts, etc.  We are also spoiled with a handful of sirloins, ribeyes, porterhouse, and T-bones steaks as part of our stash that we get to feast on frequently.  I have to say that this marinade makes the most INCREDIBLE steak – Life Changing. 

The last time we had this for dinner, Brad and I just kept saying, “This is INCREDIBLE.” And it couldn’t be easier!  You just need a blender and a handful of ingredients you probably already have on hand!


5 Minute {INCREDIBLE} Steak Marinade


  • 1/2 c Olive Oil
  • 1/3 c Soy Sauce
  • 1/3 c Lemon Juice
  • 1/4 c Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 T of Minced Garlic {I use this one}
  • 2 T of Dried Parsley
  • 2 T of Dried Basil
  • 1 t of Fresh Ground Pepper
  • 2-3 dashes of Tabasco Sauce


1. Blend the ingredients in a blender for 30-45 seconds until well blended.

2. Pour the marinade over the steak and allow to marinade {magical things happen} for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. 

3. Cook the steak over a cast iron skillet or grill to your liking.

adapted from this recipe


Try it and let me know if it changes your life too!  What’s YOUR favorite cut of steak?

11 thoughts on "How to Cook the Best Steak of Your Life: 5 Minute {INCREDIBLE} Steak Marinade"

  1. Oh Jen. Will you think less of me if I stick with my bottle of cheap-o Italian dressing? We can still bond over a freezer full of cow, right? Even if I’m too lazy to dirty up my blender? 😉

    Side note: Would you like to make me a steak for dinner tonight? No? FINE.

    1. Mary, I know you are PG but it’s just a few pulses of the blender. You can do it. I believe in you.

  2. This sounds really yummy! What cut of beef to you use with it?

    1. Tonight I used Ribeye, but I think the sirloins were even better!

      1. Maureen says:

        Did you bake in the oven?

        1. I’ve done the grill and over an iron skillet

  3. Cyndi Spivey says:

    I will be trying this!! 🙂

  4. Filing this away. Picking up my 1/4 cow over Thanksgiving….
    (until then – we clean out the freezer!)

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