10 Must-Watch Christmas Movies to Enjoy with Your Kids

We hold back on most things Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving. Shocking, I know. In fact, I’ve been a little bah-humbug about it all, until I remembered ELF!  I LOVE watching Elf every year!  Not exactly “meaningful”, but fun and light-hearted nonetheless!

So I just might make an exception to holding off on ALL things Christmas for movies…and maybe even music as we get closer to December. 

I love the traditions of family Christmas movies.  Last year, we surprised the kids as we tucked them in bed for the night with a trip downtown to watch Polar Express in 3D in their pajamas. One of the best memories ever!  Here’s 10 of our favorites that we watch most every year.

10 Must-Watch Christmas Movies to Enjoy with Your Kids

10 Must-Watch Christmas Movies to Enjoy with Your Kids This Season:

1. Charlie Brown Christmas – 1965 gave us a true classic in this Christmas gem.  Linus taking the stage to tell us about the true meaning of Christmas from Luke 2 gets me every.single.time. It’s the first Christmas movie the boys ever watched, and of course I have it in the blogging vault(The entire Peanuts Holiday Collection is on sale for $23.99 on Amazon!) 

2. Home Alone – Last year was the first year my boys really got the humor and story line in this movie, and I think this year’s viewing will be even better!

3. It’s a Wonderful Life – Another Christmas classic that I can’t watch too many times. Jimmy Stewart, you outdid yourself.

4. Rudolf the Red-Nosed ReindeerCan I just confess to you that this isn’t my favorite? It creeps me out. {Ducks.} However, it’s a classic and the boys favorite, so I’ll do my duty to carry on the tradition. (The Original Christmas Classics Gift Set with Rudolf, Frosty, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and more is on sale for only $11.99!)

5. The Polar Express – This is just a visually beautiful film.  Even better on the big screen, if you can catch a theater in your area showing it this season.

6. White Christmas – I haven’t quite convinced Brad that this is a must-watch just yet. Men and their unappreciation for musicals… maybe this year.

7. Elf – I laugh at the same jokes all season long. Modern Classic.

8. Frosty the Snowman – This was my favorite to watch every year as a TV Special. (I just noticed if you use Amazon Instant Video, you can buy this classic for $4.99!)

9. A Christmas Story – This is for my neighbor Scot, proud owner of the leg lamp, and has visited the infamous house. Besides,everyone needs to get “you’ll shoot your eye out” drilled into them this time of year.

10. Dr. Seuess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas – Personally, I love the classic cartoon version best, but I love watching the Jim Carrey one just to hear Faith Hill sing, “Where Are You Christmas”. (Just downloaded it for 69 cents, but I’m going to try and hold off playing it until late November.) 😉

So what did I leave off? What makes your Must-See Christmas Movies List? What’s your absolute favorite Christmas movie to watch as a family?

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8 thoughts on "10 Must-Watch Christmas Movies to Enjoy with Your Kids"

  1. Cair says:

    Fun list. I’m with you on Rudolph. While I watched it as a kid, back in the days of network-only tv, when I watched it as a parent I found it to be creepy. I like the idea of the story better than the movie.

    My must see movie (which I don’t always see) is the original Miracle on 34th Street, preferably in b&w. I’ve been watching that since I was a teen. My brothers thought it was stupid so not sure it goes on a list for a boy-centric family or not. We also love “Elf” for the great jokes and “Baby it’s cold outside” duet.

    Our other modern classic must see is “Love Actually” but that is definitely not a kid movie. We actually like that one year round. (college aged kids here so it’s fine).

  2. Crystal says:

    Oh, White Christmas, how I love thee. I often watch it Thanksgiving night, and usually several more times before the season’s over. And you forgot Miracle on 34th Street! 🙂

  3. I must admit we hadn’t watched The Polar Express (any of us!) until last year because my husband finds that kind of animation really freaky. (We also don’t do Santa, so sometimes I try to skip those movies.) But we watched it last year on the couch in our PJs and it’s one of my best Christmas memories from last year. I’d love to take them to see it in a theater! I’ll have to search that out.

  4. Oops, should have added that one of our favorites is Veggie Tales’ “The Toy That Saved Christmas.”

  5. RobM says:

    It’s not the Christmas season without a viewing of Die Hard! 🙂

  6. I love Elf! And White Christmas. Or, even better, Holiday Inn. But..would you believe…I’ve never seen It’s a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story? I know! GASP! What’s WRONG with me?! But…I haven’t. So sad. 😉

  7. robbin says:

    I have to watch the original Miracle on 34th Street (several times) or it wouldnt be Christmas! Have the kids seen Prancer?? Another good one. I also LOVE “The Gathering” tho given their age, that one more be appreciated more by you and Brad than the boys but I watch it every year too.

  8. Joy Lin says:

    Mickey’s Christmas Carol is one of our favorites! Movie version and Little Golden Book, too.

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