On Behalf of My Teacher Friends: Just Say “No” to the Apple Teacher Gifts

say no to apples for teacher's gifts

Back in my PQ (Pre-Quads) days, I used to work in the school system doing speech therapy. It was a great job with awesome kids, and some of the state’s best teachers. Around this time of year,the teacher gifts started rolling in from generous parents…gift cards to movies, every scent of Bath and Body works lotion ever made, homemade jar mixes, and APPLES.

Anything and everything APPLE.

I’m not sure when the universe united and decided that Teachers = Apples, but I’m telling you as a friend for my friends, just don’t.

The wooden Apple and ABC Chalkboard necklace you’ve been eyeing?  

The “Teacher’s Prayer” in the red apple frame?

The apple changeable wooden calendar?

The apple sweater vest that you saw at the craft fair? 

The apple stationary gift set that comes with the necklace pen that seems so perfect?

Pass it on by. 

Can I let you in on a little secret?  Most teachers don’t care for apples.

I know, it’s against the grain. It’s against everything that says “teacher”, but it’s real. They didn’t sign an oathe to collect and adore all things apple when they graduated, their homes are not wallpapered with apples, and they may not even take the “apple a day keeps the doctor away” to heart.

They appreciated your gesture of appreciation, and they are some of the most polite and kind-hearted people on this planet, so they aren’t going to put it in Friday’s newsletter that they aren’t really into apples anymore. Which is why I’m breaking it to you in advance.  Skip it this year and go for the gift card, the chocolates, a gift for the classroom, or even better write a genuine hand-written thank you letter and volunteer some of your time to change out his/her bulletin board.

And if you simply cannot resist the urge to do something apple – I suggest it come in baked good form instead of wooden. 

12 thoughts on "On Behalf of My Teacher Friends: Just Say “No” to the Apple Teacher Gifts"

  1. The teachers of the world thank you.

    When I taught, I let it be known early on in my career that I was fond of Pooh and Friends things. I always mentioned it several times at the beginning of the year, and then all my gifts were Pooh themed. When it was time to decorate the nursery, I was set!!!

  2. But…what am I supposed to do with the apple sweater now??? 😉

  3. amy c says:

    our daycare was smart and nice (to teachers/caregivers and parents) to create a “teacher’s favorites” spreadsheet where it lists the stores, scents, foods, etc they like and any allergies (and i think i’ve seen a “no knick knacks” on there)

  4. Jodi says:

    Ideas for classroom gifts?

    1. Melissa D says:

      Well, asking teachers what they need is always great, but books, games, craft supplies, math manipulatives and printer ink (for their home printer) are the first things that come to mind.

  5. TL says:

    A Target gift card usually is well loved!

  6. Michelle says:

    For my son’s Kindergarten teacher, we chose to give her a Thank You gift, so we could avoid the busy time of Christmas. I made her a candy bar poem poster “Don’t snicker, but I think you’re great. You are mounds of fun in our Kindergarten class. You are worth a mint, so take 5. Thank you for making me a smartie instead of a dum dum.” She was blown away, we were so tickled to have made her day. We also included a gift card to Target, perfect fit!

  7. Lynn says:

    I think the apple for the teacher started way back when. The farming families couldn’t afford much else and the teacher was grateful not to have to pay for food. Although, it was probably anything from the harvest, not just apples.

  8. Beth W. says:

    As a teacher, I highly agree with you, EXCEPT for real, live, GOOD apples. My family runs an apple orchard, and we give apples to the kids’ teachers each fall. That can’t be bad, right?

  9. Heck, even a heartfelt card with a thank you in it would be appreciated. I can probably count on my fingers the number of gifts I’ve gotten as a teacher over the past 14 years. Many parents don’t even think about it. 🙁 BUT…it makes the ones that do even more appreciated.

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