This Is What It Looks Like to Be Loved Well…

These past days that have now turned into weeks have been some of the hardest days Brad and I have had to walk through, yet we haven’t had to trudge through them alone.  We have been held by many.  Although only a core group of family and friends knows the details of what we are going through, it has not lessened the amount of love and support we have experienced.  Some have offered generously without even knowing the slightest bit of what’s happening.

We have been loved and we have been loved well.

So many times when we see friends hurting, we “give them their space” or we are so helpless on knowing what to do, we don’t do anything, but these friends have been an exception.

hospital surgery recovery

So what does being loved well look like? 

Being loved well is…

A warm bowl of my mom’s vegetable soup and sugar cream pie

A friend who takes your kids sledding while you recover

Text messages of Scripture verses when you’re feeling afraid

A friend who shows up at your door with a box of ice cream sandwiches (which she knew you liked from reading a past blog post)

A mix CD with encouraging songs that I’ve been playing on repeat

recovery stash

Friends that don’t shy away from the pain, but are there to walk with you through it, and even make you laugh when it hurts

A surprise pizza delivered to your doorstep when you aren’t sure how you’ll even fix a meal

Prayers from those closest to us and from those we’ve never met


Being served breakfast in bed from 4 of the sweetest boys on the planet

breakfast in bed menu

An email from a friend who has walked through a much deeper valley than you can imagine to offer her prayers, comfort, and Scripture that continues to get them through

A husband who has been so incredibly solid, patient, understanding, and compassionate even when he’s hurting too

Phone calls, emails, Facebook comments, blog comments, and texts checking in on us

A box of sunshine from Texas

box of sunshine

Thank you to so many of you who have loved us well. You have taught us how to minister to others, and we long for the opportunity to give back. We are blessed by the many ways you have been a blessing to our family during this time. We appreciate your continued prayers as we wait for healing both physically and emotionally. 

23 thoughts on "This Is What It Looks Like to Be Loved Well…"

  1. Janet says:

    Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your family during this difficult time.

  2. Susan McCurdy says:

    I’m sorry that I have not been aware of your pain. I will pray for you, Jennifer.

  3. Gail says:

    Continuing to keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Annapolis, MD

  4. Crystal says:

    I’ve been thinking about/praying for you so much the last few days. So glad to hear you’re being physically and emotionally taken care of.

  5. Pam Johnston says:

    Hope everyday is a little bit better, continuing to pray for you and the family. A friend in East Texas, Pam.

  6. Jill Griswold says:

    I had no idea you were going through a hard time. I will be praying for you. Stay in the Word and lean on God. Blessings to you my friend! I pray for God to continue to shower you with Love and healing.

  7. Jennifer says:

    I’m not one to comment often but please know you and your family are in my prayers!

  8. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and continue to be. I wish I were close enough to love on you in person. 🙂 Rest up, absorb the love sent to you and lean on Jesus.

  9. Kathy says:

    Love you. I am trying to do this with.

  10. Covington Grandma says:

    So glad that you put this on the blog, Jen,, because so many are concerned and asking about you. You have many loyal friends that care and are being faithful to pray for you. What would we do without the Lord?

  11. Debbie Blevins says:

    Ah sweet Jen I have been praying for your family. Thank you for taking a few minutes to post. I am holding you all up to the Lord..

  12. Jen, I have no idea what’s going on but I saw this link on Facebook and hopped over. I will be praying for you. I wish I lived closer to help but I’m comforted to know what you have people taking good care of you.

  13. Stephanie Maxwell says:

    Praying for God’s Healing & Peace.

  14. Mel says:

    I’m continuing to lift you guys up in prayer!

  15. ohAmanda says:


    {that was a hug.}

  16. Adele says:

    Praying for peace, health and comfort for you over here in Utah…

  17. carrie says:

    Prayers for you and your beautiful family. Asking our Lord and Savior to blanket you in a peace and comfort that only He can provide.

    Philippians 4:13

  18. Dearest friend, I’m praying for you and I’m SO glad that you you are being loved on. xoxoxo

  19. Pol says:

    Prayers for you and your lovely family

  20. teresa says:

    Praying for the Lord’s grace, peace and strength as your body heals. Thanking God for the love & encouragement you’ve been blessed with.

  21. Lene Kristin says:

    Sending love from Norway!

  22. Ari says:

    Sending peace and healing, sweetie. xoxo

  23. Kellie says:

    Praying for your flu to pass soon! I know so many have been hit hard this season.

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