31 Meal Solutions for Overwhelmed Moms

31 Back to Basics Meal Solutions

When life gets messy, complicated, broken, or crazy busy, sometimes it’s time to just take a step back and go back to the basics.  I picture Will Smith teaching Kevin James the basic step clap dance move. Less cue tip and making the pizza, and back to home.

We had been graciously loved on with meals and even some restaurant gift cards over the past few weeks, even though I was reluctant to ask for help. Even when I resisted, good friends persisted, and we are so grateful, because I really couldn’t do it on my own.

I hadn’t made it to the grocery store in over a month, and the task of meal planning, making a grocery list, putting away all the food, and then feeding us all was overwhelming enough to make me curl up in the corner. Instead giving up for the year, I decided to make a list of BASIC, EASY, BRAINLESS, FAMILY-FRIENDLY MEALS that wouldn’t require a lot of energy or ingredients.

I came up with 31 of our favorite Back-to-Basics Meal Solutions to get us back on track, and I’m sharing those with links to most of the recipes at Land O’Moms. I’d love to add to my list of go-to meals, so be sure to share your favorites!

2 thoughts on "31 Meal Solutions for Overwhelmed Moms"

  1. I can’t leave a comment on the other site so I’ll share here! I’ve been making an effort to cook at home again (got totally off track this week due to me being sick). These homemade chicken nuggets were a big hit!! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/211669251210675200/ We adjusted slightly – I used whole wheat flour instead of white flour. And we skipped the pickle juice. And I won’t buy skim milk, only whole.

    Those are definitely on our “must make again” list. We used them to make our own “Happy Meals” by serving with cut up apples for the kids and salad for the grown ups.

  2. teresa says:

    Jen, Thanks so much for putting a month of entrees together for other moms. Know it’s helpful to you – but so sweet of you to make it available to us (even recipe links). Please be patient with yourself as your body heals. Sometimes it takes a little longer for the healing to take place and for our energy to return. Praying for you & Brad and the boys.

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