2 Ingredient Homemade Lavender Bath Salts


Yesterday I took my first detox bath with Epson salts and Lavender Oil – I cannot believe I’ve been missing these my whole life!!!!  I could not believe how good my body felt post-workout.  I felt so relaxed, refreshed, and soothed. I had no idea that it would actually reduce swelling, decrease pain, and relax muscles, along with making you and your bathroom smell like a spa!  

Did You Know that Detox Baths Can…

  • Eliminate Toxins from Your Body
  • Relax Muscles
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Speed Recovery from Illness
  • Relieve Pain
  • Improve Sleep
  • Decrease Stress

I LOVED it so much that I had to share it.  I had Brooks take two over the weekend as he’s been fighting allergies and respiratory crud, and he was begging to take another one an hour later. It was a significant noticeable difference in how he felt and acted.

And in just a few minutes, with just two ingredients you can make these jars of bath salts for gifts. They make AWESOME end of the year Teacher’s Gifts, Shower Favors, Neighbors Gifts, etc.

How To Make And Enjoy Homemade Lavender Salts:


  • 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts
  • 10 – 15 Drops of  Young Living Lavender Oil (This is the only brand of oil I can personally for detox baths. Young Living essential oils are therapeutic grade and safe for your skin.)
  • Glass Jar (I found mine at Michael’s for $2 each)


1. Pour Epsom Salts into the jar and drop essential oil on top of the salts.

2. Seal well.

3. Shake to blend well. 

4. Add 1/4 of a cup of the salt mixture and add under warm running water. 

5. Soak for 20-30 minutes. 

6. Re-hydrate well after enjoying your relaxing soak. 


Other great ideas for essential oils to add to detox baths include: Peace & Calming, Valor, Joy, Lemon, and Stress-Away. {All of these essential oils come in the Premium Started Kit.} 

>>>>> Are you new to Essential Oils and Want to Learn More About Their Amazing Benefits? Check out my post about All You Need to Know About Essential Oils.

How about YOU – have you tried a detox bath?  What’s YOUR favorite essential oil scent for soaking? 


* These statements are based on my own experience and resources. Not everyone may experience the same results, but I hope you and your family do! The above is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent disease or evaluated by the FDA. .


8 thoughts on "2 Ingredient Homemade Lavender Bath Salts"

  1. Mendi says:

    I am VERY new to essential oils and I’ve been driving my family crazy with all of the things that I want to try. My hubby claims all the smelly stuff makes me cough (he’s a little dramatic) and my daughter claims that I am turning into a hippy but I will convert them! As far as detox baths I have done them without the essential oil but plan on taking one tonight since I have a very achy back.

    1. Mendi – you will LOVE them! Soooooo relaxing and soothing. Did you get a starter kit with Young Living?

      1. Mendi says:

        Not yet but I am saving for it … Right now I’m just using some I got from the health food store which I know aren’t the greatest quality but I wanted to try them so bad I couldn’t wait.

        1. Just be suuuuuuper careful using them on your skin. Because they are not 100% pure they have additives and chemicals that could cause irritation or reactions. I wouldn’t use them for a detox bath…maybe just for cleaning or making the room smell good. I’ve heard stories about chemical burns and allergic reactions – so just use caution!

    2. Debbi Higgins Lofton says:

      You had me rolling with that “HIPPIE” comment! Thanks for making my day.

  2. Okay. I have all those ingredients right now. I’m doing this tonight!

  3. tiffany says:

    Great find on the jars! I am not crafty so I never set foot inside Michael’s. But as a fellow EO fan, glass containers are important and I’m always looking for them…may have to venture over into Michael’s, after all!

    1. Hobby Lobby is my favorite for finding glass jars!

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