Healthy Homemade Lemon Hummus


Welcome to the second stop on the second day of the Essentially Summer Recipe Tour! If you are coming over from The Pennington Point, welcome! Lisa is sharing a delicious recipe for guacamole using Lime essential oil. You should definitely check it out! I hadn’t really considered making homemade hummus. Little did I know what I was missing in flavor and freshness!  And you can control your ingredients by taste preference, know what your eating, and make the portion size to your liking.  Well worth the trade for the convenience of the grocery store container hummus! Plus this recipe is simple enough to pull off in 15 minutes or less!  hummus-recipe-ingredients One bit of advice that I followed that I think made a difference in texture and flavor of this recipe was to peel the skin from the garbonzo beans before blending it in the food processor or blender.  It comes off easily with a little pinch. My boys would have had a blast with this part if they would have been home. It was a tad tedious, but part of me enjoyed freeing these little beans from their skin. Kind of like taking off your jean shorts that are 1 size too small from last summer at the end of the day.  {Just a random illustration, not from experience or anything. Ahem.}  easy-hummus-recipe-lemon-homemade See how happy they are?  Freedom! So we all know hummus is super nutritious, but you want to know what takes this recipe to another healthy level?  It’s made with Lemon Essential Oil from Young Living. {Stop.  Don’t even think about ingesting that oil you got at the health food store.  You don’t know what’s in there.  Don’t. Just don’t. – Young Living Essential Oils are the only oils that are safe and approved to ingest.} So while you are dipping your yummy fresh veggies and pita chips in this yummy hummus dip, you can also benefit from the amazing properties of the Lemon Oil.  (This oil is 1 of the 11 oils that come in the Premium Starter Kit.)


Here’s all you need to know about making this easy homemade hummus dip! 


Healthy Homemade Lemon Hummus Dip


  • 2 Cans of Garbanzo Beans (pealed) 
  • 1 Tablespoon of Minced Garlic
  • 7-10 drops of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Cup of Water or Reserved from the Beans
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste


1. Drain Garbanzo Beans and Save the Reserve.

2. Peel Garbanzo Beans and Discard Skins.

3. Combine ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

4. Drizzle a little olive oil on top and serve with pita chips, as a sandwich spread, or as a delicious dip for fresh veggies.


Are you ready to jump in to this wonderful world of caring for your family with therapeutic grade essential oils? The time is now! Click here to learn more or contact the person who introduced you to the “Essentially Summer” blog recipe series! 🙂


Be sure to check out all 35 posts in the “Essentially Summer”  blogger recipe series, click here.

Next up on the tour is Jennifer from Sweet Makes Three who’s sharing her recipe for Easy Blender Salsa using more awesome Young Living citrus oils!

11 thoughts on "Healthy Homemade Lemon Hummus"

  1. Melissa says:

    We love hummus, I’m definitely going to try this recipe!

  2. Lisa~ says:

    Can’t wait to try this Jenn! Lisa~

  3. Crystal & Co says:

    We love, love, love hummus. This looks amazing. I love that you worked in the lemon essential oils.

  4. I love making homemade hummus – haven’t tried making it yet with my oils. I’m definitely going to do that this summer. Great blog post. Loving this series.

  5. Roxanne Paul says:

    Please send me information on the starter kit of esential oils.
    Thank you.
    Roxanne Paul

    1. I will send you an email this afternoon with more info, but this post is a great place to start:
      Excited for you to get started!

  6. Beverly says:

    Sounds delicious, but with so many lemons in season why not go natural all the way and avoid bottled & canned goods. Soak fresh check peas, the pods slide off in the water & use real lemons.

    1. I haven’t tried fresh chick peas or seen them in our grocery store, but I’d love to try them! Thanks for the suggestion…as for the lemon oil, it’s 100% pure lemon concentrated so you get the awesome health benefits of lemon essential oil while chowing down. =)

  7. Brittany says:

    How long does this last? If I make it the night before, will it be okay?

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