Favorite Devotionals for Kids


We aren’t doing a lot of things right around here, but one thing I don’t think we’ll ever regret is reading the Bible to our kids.  We’ve made it part of our nightly routine, and I KNOW we have all benefited from it. We’ve read a variety of books to them at night from biographies, to devotionals, to kids Bible’s, to just reading Scripture, and I thought I would share some of our favorites with you.  Sometimes it’s hard to find a good devotional for your family that covers a range of kids, that is solid theologically, and that is on their level. Here’s our favorites so far…

Favorite Devotionals for Kids:

esv bible

1. The Bible. Yes, kids can comprehend the Bible straight from the pages. Pick a book like John, Genesis, James, etc and start going through it verse by verse. You might need to stop and camp on some verses and explain things, but you’ll be surprised what their child-like faith can grasp. . It’s never to early to start memorizing Scripture with your kids. Our boys learned ones from the ABC Bible Verse book at a very early age.  (PS It’s FREE on Kindle.)


2. The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. I’ve shared this one many times and will continue to do so…outside of the Bible, this is my very favorite kids Bible. I love that every story, both Old Testament and New points to Christ and the “secret rescue plan”. The illustrations are captivating and the stories are engaging for ages 1 through adult. As you can tell, ours is well-worn and loved.


3. Hero Tales by Dave and Netta Jackson. I recently finished up reading this book to the boys about heroes of the faith. I learned so much and it deepened my own appreciation of the sacrifices and boldness of so many in the history of our faith. I would love to get the next volumes in this series.


4. God’s Promise by Sally Michaels I recently got introduced to this Children’s Desiring God series by Sally Michaels, and we are already loving the first one we’ve opened. Love the questions at the end and it’s a great one for multiple ages. My assistant pastor’s wife let me borrow several in this series: God’s Names, God’s Providence, and God’s Wisdom – so we’ll all set for a while.


5. God’s Mighty Act of Salvation by Starr Meade. This was another one recommended by my friend, Erin. She said “this really nailed down the concept of what salvation is and what it is not” for her family. That’s definitely something we want to impress upon my boys’ hearts. It goes through the book of Galatians. Another one that I’d like to read aloud to the boys by this author is God’s Mighty Act of Creation.

I’d LOVE to hear what you have been studying with your kids?  Have you found it hard to find a time to have a family devotional together? What works for your family? 


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6 thoughts on "Favorite Devotionals for Kids"

  1. Stacey says:

    My boys received the Jesus Storybook Bible for Christmas this year. We have been reading a story from it every night before we read from our other books. They boys truly love hearing the stories. We have enjoyed this time so much as a family that I recently purchased Adventure Bible, book of devotions for Early Readers which the boys will receive for Easter. The intention that the devotions book will turn into more dialogue surrounding the stories and will be incorporated as part of our bedtime routine. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking but we are going to attempt it 🙂

  2. Crystal says:

    I have a different set of obstacles in this regard simply because my kids are all different ages/stages. So for Jude we’re reading “Devotions for Preschoolers” by Crystal Bowman, Jack has Veggie Tales’ “365 Day Starters for Boys” and Avinly…well, she knows Jesus Loves Me! 🙂 I’m reading “The Family Virtues Guide” by Linda Kavelin-Popov with Dan Popov, Ph. D. and John Kavelin and will definitely implement that program when I’m ready.

  3. Deanna says:

    What ages would you say these are for? The only one we have is The Jesus Storybook Bible but I’ve been wanting to get some others!

    1. Perhaps starting at age 5ish? Just try and see how it goes…often times things that we thought were over their heads ended up being much mor engaging and worth while than we anticipated.

  4. Covington Grandma says:

    These all sound good. I wonder if the Uncle Charlie devotional books are still available. We loved these stories.

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