Scenes from A Landlocked Spring Break



Last week my people were on Spring Break, and as much the ocean calls our names and we’d love some time away, it just wasn’t the right timing for us. At the beginning of the week, I almost blocked all your deep blue water beach pictures, sun-kissed skin, and tank tops from my feed, but we found vacation right here in landlocked Indiana.

Really this is the first Spring Break we’ve had as a family. While we homeschooled, I used SB as a catch-up or an easier week, but we didn’t take then entire week off.  It was a rare opportunity to just be together without a lot of plans or running. We made the most of it with a couple trips to Eagle Creek, lots of brother basketball scrimmages and learning how to play “Knockout”, good times with church family for Easter, watching March Madness, going for treats after dinner, seeing grandparents and out of town family, and celebrating some warmer temps.

I feel like we’ve hit a bit of a stride in parenting right now. It’s a valley that’s temporary I’m sure, but we’re just so grateful for harmony, health, and home.  Sometimes I still am in awe that I’m their mama and this life is really happening.

I love watching them as brothers and the team they can be when they get along and encourage one another. I love that they need us less – even though it’s a bittersweet dance. I love seeing them back in their element of the outdoors. I love the adventures we have with these boys, small and large.

We couldn’t have asked for a better week…

Well maybe more flip-flops, but that’s just around the corner. 

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2 thoughts on "Scenes from A Landlocked Spring Break"

  1. Crystal says:

    Looks like you had a great time! England has a 2-week Easter break, but I would so trade it in to start summer break at the American time and NOT at the end of July!

  2. teresa says:

    Reminded me of a memory from many moons ago. A friend’s parents were named Henry & Ruth. He handed out Oh Henry and Baby Ruth candy bars to celebrate the birth of their children.

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