5 Back to School Essentials

Back to School

Pencils sharpened. First Day of School Pics Taken. School Supply List Conquered.

Now that we’re old pros at this back to school thing, I thought I would share some of my ABSOLUTE essentials for starting the school year off right! (Just in case you’re still loading up your supplies or looking for tried-and-true solutions!)

I’m a bit of a minimalist, so I stick pretty much to the list and see what we can make do on from last year. HUGE PROPS to my stud of a husband for doing almost all of the back to school shopping while we were in Texas with the dudes. I was so impressed when he picked me up from my team luncheon with the van packed with all of our stuff + school supplies x4! He’s a catch, I’m telling ya!

1. We love these Easy LunchBoxes containers and this is our 4th year using them, so it’s been a great investment!  They are affordable, simple, dishwasher safe, and just all around winners! I like that I can throw them in their backpacks without a lunchbox for quick mornings! And if I’m looking for something other than PBJ to go in their lunches, so I love going back to this list for inspiration.


2. Speaking of lunches, I love putting a little note in the boys’ lunch. I certainly don’t do it every day, but it’s a fun way to encourage them in the middle of their school day.


3. These Contigo Trekker Water Bottles have also held up remarkably well – like still using ones from 2012 well! They spill-proof magic!


4. Still on my list is a laminator, and since Amazon has them for over 1/2 off right now ($24.99), I’m just going to go for it!  I think we’ll come up with all sorts of practical uses for it!


5. Promoting and protecting my boys’ health has become a passion of mine, which means making good choices in food, keeping a reasonable bedtime, staying active (we’ve got this one down) and giving our bodies an extra boost with essential oils. 


Tonight I’m hosting a Back to School Essentials night on Facebook where we’ll be chatting about boosting your kids (and your) immune systems, going over some healthy snacks for after school, DIY recipes, ways to help promote sleep, concentration and SO MUCH more! There will be GIVEAWAYS too!  I would LOVE to have you! Join us at 9 pm EST tonight (or I will leave the event live for a while so you can catch up when it’s convenient for you!)  Click on the link to join us! 


And in case you hadn’t heard the BRAND NEW PREMIUM STARTER KIT is ON SALE through the end of August, so definitely check out this post so you can take advantage of the money savings and get these oils in your home! See this post for more info:



How about YOU? What’s a Back to School item that YOU can’t go without? 


Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a tiny affiliate commission – so THANK YOU. Know that I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to your lives, because I genuinely care about you!

One thought on "5 Back to School Essentials"

  1. maren says:

    I also just bought those water bottles and am in love! They work great! I usually buy off Amazon, but Target had for $5.99. Enjoyed your post!!

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