Fast Fridays: Beginnings

Fast Fridays

HELLO!!!! I took a nice break from blogging over the summer and enjoyed time with the Dudes while they were home. We had such a GREAT summer. The best one on record! It wasn’t just an “everything appears awesome” on Facebook summer, it was a genuinely wonderful time for our family.

I have a lot to catch you up on, but sometimes that all seems overwhelming and I don’t know where to start, so I don’t. Do you ever do that? Maybe it’s cleaning the house, or starting a project…SO I decided  instead of ignoring y’all and this space that I love, I would start something new and not so heavy.

I’m calling it Fast Fridays. A quick post I hope to do on most Fridays with some of the highlights of the week, things I’m loving, and a little of what’s on my heart. 

It’s a fresh start and a new beginning {WHICH I LOVE}!!!!


This week has been full of new beginnings with the starting of the school year.

As much as I hated to end our summer of awesome, it’s great to get back into a routine. Their School Supply drop off night was a hilariously happy reunion of group hugs and excitement about full-out recess soccer competition. It’s so great to send them somewhere they LOVE and that fits our family so well. And yes, they’re all in the same classroom again this year.  Shockingly it was per their last year’s teacher’s request, which made it super easy for us, since it was already our preference. It may not work for all multiples families, but it works really well for us for now. One teacher = same homework, one teacher to meet with for parent-teacher conferences, not splitting myself up for classroom parties/field trips/etc. BOOM!

Another FRESH beginning is you might notice that 4tunate is now ad-free.

There’s still an Amazon Affiliate side widgit, but it’s decluttered and ready for a face-lift. With Young Living supplying such a nice chunk of income, ads just didn’t seem necessary here.  I’m not saying “No, No, Never, Never, No, Never, No”, but for now it’s a much needed cleaner look. We’ll be updating the look even more this Fall, which I’m super excited about!


Another thing I love about fresh beginnings? Routine!

I function so much better on a routine. I get better sleep, meal plan, exercise, get more work responsibilities accomplished, keep up with the house better, and even find some time to read when I’m in a routine. It helps that I have some hours of QUIET in there to help me plan and stay the course.


It’s funny how a schedule can actually FREE up my time, and allow for some extras like baking this yummy homemade bread recipe I found, and catching up on some of the books I’m reading:

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah {Just finished and LOVED}

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell {Reading this with one of my business groups and highlighting pretty much every page!}

Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung {Brad and I are reading this one together and highly recommend other couples reading it! It’s already impacting our family-life.}

So how about YOU? Do you thrive on routine? Do you enjoy fresh starts? What “Beginnings” are you starting?



Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a tiny affiliate commission – so THANK YOU. Know that I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to your lives, because I genuinely care about you!


4 thoughts on "Fast Fridays: Beginnings"

  1. Covington Grandma says:

    Looking forward to Fridays!

    1. Thanks, Mom! It’s good to get my blogging feet back!

  2. Crystal says:

    Starting grad school in 8 days…need to figure out where the kids are going to school….haven’t been to my house in 2 months….meeting new daughter in Eastern Europe in several more…

    1. Praying for peace and an overwhelming heap of grace through all these transitions!

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