Fast Fridays: Strength

Fast Fridays (3)

One thing I love about our family is we do fitness together, whether its taking a run or challenging each other on planks. These boys absolutely amaze me with their strength and stamina. I remember working up to a mile in 5th grade, and these boys can already run a 5K without training!!! They push me and challenge me, but encourage me as well when I can’t physically keep up with them…yet. 😉

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They make it an all-out America Ninja Warrior Competitions out of the playground equipment. {My apologies, preschool moms for the “what not to do” examples my boys have probably displayed}.

I love their drive to do something better, to get stronger, to accomplish hard things. I admire it and want more of it in my own life.

I love that strength isn’t dependent on size and isn’t containable.

Thank you boys, for making your mama stronger in so many ways.


And just for a Friday laugh and amazement, here is Henry planking for over 13 minutes!



One thought on "Fast Fridays: Strength"

  1. Crystal says:

    Our boys LOVE ANW! We go to the skate park on base and practice the warped wall (or “word wall,” as 4-year-old Jude calls it). Then we head to the playground and do the balance obstacles, cargo climb and anything else we can fit in.

    Yesterday, Jude did a warped wall, let out a blood-curdling yell, and said, “Who am I?” Jack guessed, “Ryan Stratis?” “Oh yeah!” Jude replies. 🙂

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