The Summer Of Endless Awesome

The Summer of Endless Awesome

The Summer of 2015 will go down in history as the Summer of Endless Awesome.

So many highlights on the highlight real. So many great memories. So many things I want to never forget.

We had great family travels to The Indiana Dunes, an unexpected overnight in Chicago, and an epic adventure in Texas.

I was able to travel to Washington and Idaho all expense-paid to experience Young Living’s Seed to Seal process first hand.

And Brad and I got to run away together for a couple nights  in New Buffalo, Michigan.

However, there was a lot of good enjoying home time too. There were lazy pj mornings, doors swinging open and shut all day long, swims at the neighborhood pool, strawberry picking, time with family, Bible school fun,  a sweet wedding celebration for our neighbor, trips to the library, ice cream cones, learning to play Monopoly, neighborhood water gun fights, baseball games, soccer games, State Fair visits, and other rowdy shenanigans.

You know those ends of summer where you say “I wish we would have done this or had more time for that…”?  It isn’t ending that way for us. This summer filled us up.

They were only 8 for one summer, and I’m pretty sure we made the most of it. 

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One thought on "The Summer Of Endless Awesome"

  1. Crystal says:

    We had a great summer too…although I seriously cannot wait when it does not involve visiting several countries with small children!

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