Colorado 2015 Part I : Tips for Flying with a Large Family


We’re still coming down from our Rocky Mountain High {in Colorado}. It was simply an unforgettable family trip, and I cannot get those beautiful mountains off my mind. We had great weather, great accommodations, great flights, and great memories – and I look forward to sharing some of the highlights with you all!

When Brad and I found $25 flights late one Friday night through Frontier Airlines {Thank you Adrienne!}, we didn’t really care where the airplane took us – we just knew we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to take our entire family on an airplane – something we didn’t know if we would ever do!


Every flight I’ve taken since the boys were born I’ve had mama guilt – wishing they could experience flying through the clouds, the power of the take off, and being able to see the world at 30,000 feet. They were absolutely ecstatic to fly for the first time.

They were ALL braver than their mama. I have to douse myself in Valor and Stress-Away, pray, and remind myself to breathe through flight, but evidently my fears didn’t rub off or weren’t apparent enough to effect these dudes. They were all smiles, laughs, and wonder!

IMG_2298 IMG_2299

Since Frontier charges for both checked and carry-on luggage, we managed to pack everything we needed into very stuffed backpacks {which counted as a free personal item} for the 3 day trip. It took some strategy, but it made things so simple for traveling that we probably would do it all over again even if we didn’t have to – no waiting for baggage, no luggage to maneuver through the crowded airport, less to take through security, etc.


Here’s some tips I learned from our first flying experience as a family!

Tips for Flying with Kids (1)

Tips for Flying with Kids:

  • Book tickets early so you can have more choices for seats all together {We fit one aisle across}
  • Kids Under the Age of 12 Do Not Have to Take Off Their Shoes for Airport Security
  • Let them Be Responsible for Their Own Carry-On
  • Bring an Empty Water Bottle and Fill it After You Pass Through Security {Less Spills} 
  • Hit the Bathroom 5-10 Minutes Before Boarding So You Can Avoid The Airplane Toilets
  • Bring Gum to Help Popping Ears {Deep-Relief helps too!} 
  • Let them Pick a Few Busy Items for their Backpack {electronic device, book, activity, journal etc}
  • Pack Plenty of Snacks
  • Let them Take Pictures from their Perspective and Experience
  • Let them Stretch and Move Around When The Seatbelt Sign is Turned Off
  • Teach them To Respect Others Around Them
  • Bring a Jacket or Sweatshirt


It was a PERFECT first flight experience – no delays, super friendly staff, and no hiccups.

We arrived in Denver with one big adventure behind us and many ahead…

8 thoughts on "Colorado 2015 Part I : Tips for Flying with a Large Family"

  1. Covington Grandma says:

    So glad you got to take this trip that just fit the entire family to a T. Colorado offered you the opportunity to see the magnificent beauty of God’s creation and challenge you to do what you all love to do in exploring it. Enjoyed the pictures so much and hearing the boys talk about it and describe it.

  2. Sandy says:

    Hello, enjoy your blog, have been reading it for a while now. Just one suggestion, having travelled many years with little and big children … suckers work better than gum! Strange but true .. its the sucking and swallowing that does the trick. Looking forward to your next post! 🙂

    1. So helpful! Thanks for sharing! Hope there’s a next time that we can try it out!

  3. I want tips on how to find tickets that cheap!! With a family of 7, we’re in the same place you are… hard to justify flying every often (if ever!!) any tips?!?!?! Is there a secret app that finds these flights?!?!

    DO TELL!!! 🙂

    1. Frontier had a crazy good sale late one Friday night for our city. They’ve had some really good ones since too – it’s bare bones and you pay for every extra, but totally worth it to us! Hope it works out for your fam!

  4. Crystal says:

    I have switched several small children 8-9 time zones several times now. It’s never fun. I’m glad you had a great time!

    1. I just breathed into a brown paper bag reading that!

  5. Barrie says:

    Such good information! I have never flown Frontier, and was starting to wonder if I cold ever afford to fly my whole family of 6 anywhere! I will have to check them out and I love the tips too!

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