Answering Questions About Our Bonus Baby
Source: Etsy
First off, I have to express our gratitude for your reactions from our pregnancy announcement yesterday. We felt so loved, prayed for, and celebrated. It was so exciting to share this LIFE with you all. To think that some of you shed tears of joy over our announcement and to hear that some of you have been praying for us to make an announcement like this was extremely meaningful. Sometimes we forget how great of a community we have behind us. You all are an incredible support system!
I thought I’d tackle some of the questions you might be wondering in this post. I’m sure I won’t satisfy all of your curiosity, so feel free to leave more questions in the comments.
How far along are you?
Yesterday, I hit the 14 week mark. We shared with most of our close friends and family around the 9 – 12 week mark after several great confirming ultrasounds and reassurance from our doctor that things were looking great. Our due date is July 19th, 2016.
When did you find out?
November 11th. The EXACT same day we found out 2 years ago. I have an incredible story to go with it that I’ll probably share at some point, but it still just blows me away!
Is it really only ONE?
Absolutely! We’ve had 6 ultrasounds already and there’s only one sac and one baby. Promise.
Are you finding out the gender?
One benefit of being high-risk is early detailed ultrasounds and an awesome ultrasound tech. There has to be at least one benefit, right? So yes, we know. (We pretty much could do our own ultrasounds at this point after having 40+ with the boys – so it would be difficult to hide from us!)
When will you tell us?!!!
We need to keep you hanging in suspense for a little while longer. Bribes are being considered.
How are the boys doing with it?
The boys are absolutely over the moon. They’ve been so excited to tell people and are absolutely pumped to be big brothers. Their initial reaction was filled with all sorts of emotions from jumping up and down and kissing my belly to tears of fear of losing another baby. It was a precious moment of life to share together.
Clark even picked out this sweet frame for me for Christmas and wanted to put his copy of the ultrasound in it.
They will be nine when the baby arrives!
How is Brad doing with it?
I could not ask for more. Truly. He’s my teammate and my best friend in the good and the hard.
Were you trying?
Although this is a personal question, it’s already been asked a number of times, so I’ll just address it. As most of you know, Brad and I were unable to get pregnant on our own for the past 13 years (Hello, Quadruplets!!!!), with the exception of our pregnancy 2 years ago. We certainly weren’t pursuing anything along the fertility route this round, so it was a surprise, but a much welcomed one.
After infertility and a loss, we are overjoyed to be carrying this life, and are praying we get to hold it in our arms in July. Best happy shock ever!
How have you been feeling?
First trimester was ROUGH. And so far second has been tougher than I anticipated, but the major dry heaves and nausea are getting significantly better. The hardest part has been the energy. I’ve nicknamed myself “Couch Mama”. However, yesterday was a GOOD day, so I’m hoping there’s lots more of those to follow. I know it could be much worse, and I’m so grateful that my head isn’t attached to the toilet lid.
Are you showing yet?
Not too much, but it’s definitely there. So far it’s showing higher more than lower so I look mostly bloated.
Any cravings or food aversions?
STEAK. I know, I have expensive cravings. But hey, the iron is good for me, right?
Nothing else has been super consistent. I really want icy crushed ice drinks, but it’s been in the single digits outside, so I haven’t given in to often to that one too much. Blueberries taste really good too.
No major aversions, but cooking has been difficult. I also can’t do leftovers right now. I think I might be past heaving in the grocery store days. Progress, People!
(This steak was one of the best of my life!)
After your past experiences are you expecting a difficult pregnancy?
I should be a pretty “normal”, low-key pregnancy from here out. That’s the goal! I’m planning on being the easy one for once!
We are seeing our maternal-fetal specialist, Dr. Sumners, for a couple of reasons. One, because he’s the best. And two because I still have the TAC (Transabdominal Cerclage) that helped hold the boys inside of me for 32 weeks.
We may need to deliver a couple of weeks early, but that’s a ways down the road.
Last night my devotions were in Romans 12, and the phrase that stood out most to me was in Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope”. We are taking joy in this hope, and our hearts are just so grateful for this gift of life we’ve been given. Your prayers for its safety, growth, and my health are so so so appreciated!
Hopefully that answers MOST of your burning questions, but I’m sure I didn’t cover them all! What else are you wondering?
So excited for you!!! Been reading for your blog for many years, and just wanted to say congratulations and may your baby be born at a good time, God willing! (Also, July 19 was my son’s due date) Will be praying for you!
Thanks SO MUCH for taking the time and for praying for us! Means more than you know!
I love you and your family so very much and am crazy-happy-crying excited for you. xoxo
I love you too, My Friend! So thankful for you and how you’re light is shining so brightly! xxoo
Jen! So exciting! I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how amazing having one baby is… After having the triplets, and then the twins, this little guy was a total game changer! I can’t get over how easy he is, and how delightful motherhood is with a baby!! Congrats and much love to you all!!
I definitely thought of your family, Jessica! Thanks so much for the encouragement and love!
Happy, happy tears over here for you!!
Awwwww. That means so much to have you celebrate with us, Friend!
I think I told you how excited I was yesterday, but I’ll tell you again today! Thanks for sharing all those details. So fun to follow along. Continuing to pray for healthy mama and healthy baby. Do the boys know the gender yet? If not, are you going to do a fun reveal?
It’s not getting old hearing that you’re excited.
We DO know the gender, but haven’t shared it publicly YET. Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon! xxoo
I have been reading for about 2 years pretty silently, but I am SO excited for you and I will add you to my prayer list of expecting mamas. God is in control and He has this. Much love to you.
I’m so glad you left a comment, Shari! Thanks so much for the great reminders of God’s faithfulness! The prayers are SO appreciated!
I have been reading your posts for years. I can’t believe your boys are almost nine! I am so happy for you! Congratulations again and lots of prayers for you and your family!
So thankful for your faithfulness and encouragement, Paola!
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family! Just in case it hasn’t been checked yet, often times a craving for ice can mean anemia (and maybe thus the craving for steak – iron). :o)
Just got full blood work done last week and pretty sure all came out normal, but thanks for mentioning that!
So glad to hear!!! Praying for you and your precious little one! :o)
The prayers are greatly appreciated!
I’m so happy for you and your dear family! I will also pray for your health, and the baby’s health! Praise God for His wonderful blessings!!
Thank you so much, Mrs. Huskins! I’ll pass along your kind words to the boys too! They miss you and talk about you often! Hope you are enjoying this season!
CONGRATS!! I’ve been following you since your pregnancy with the boys, but have only been on sporadically in the last few years. Just popped on and wow, so exciting!!
Great timing! Thanks so much for taking the time to write this encouraging comment! Hope you’ll pop back in often throughout this journey!
Very happy and excited for you. I have been following your blog since you had the boys along with some other quad momma sites. Anxious to read your blog as you progress. God is Good!!
So great to hear from you, Kathy! We really appreciate you joining us on this journey! God IS Good!
YEA! So excited for you and your family….what awesome help you will have, this little one will be so blessed with so much love……and oh my goodness if it’s a little girl, she won’t stand a chance at having any “boyfriends”….and if its a healthy little boy….well you know just how special little boys are, they just take their mommys heart away! Can’t wait to read more and I will definitely be keeping you and your family in my prayers. A friend in East Texas, Pam.
Pam, you have been so faithful! Thank you for your kind words and prayers!
What an incredibly wonderful gift from God!!!!I am overjoyed for your family!!!!
Indeed! Thanks so much for sharing in the joy with us!
Wow!!! I’ve been reading your blog for years (although I’ve been a slacking blogger as of late). I just saw the title of this post and had to stop by…CONGRATULATIONS!!! So very happy for you all!!!
Thank you sooooo much! I’ve been slacking too – no worries! Thanks so much for taking the time to celebrate with us!
What great news! I randomly check in when I have the time and was so excited to read your news. We have a baby girl who just turned 5 months old who was a surprise for us too! Almost 9 years between her and big brother. You are going to love having boys who are old enough to understand and old enough to help out. My son is such a blessing to me and he loves his little sister so much!! Congratulations to you all!
Thanks, Kim! It means a lot to hear your own experience and encouragement! So glad you stopped by again! Come back soon!
I learned your wonderful news in your 16 wk post! So thrilled for you & Brad and your 4 nine year olds!!!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you and your babe.
Thanks, Teresa! Those prayers are so meaningful to all of us!