A Two Year Journey…

A lot has happened in two years time. The February before last was a very difficult month for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I struggled and wrestled and hurt in ways I had never experienced.

Last February was a stark contrast, as God showed Himself so faithful through grief and trial. He worked in my heart, in our family, and in our marriage in ways that we couldn’t have grown without the pain. I read the words that I wrote 1 year ago in amazement of God’s sovereign ways that are so much better than my own. I still have questions, sorrow, and wounds, but I know for certain that God did use suffering for my good.


Another good thing came out of February 2014…

After a lot of persistence from my dear friend, Myra, I decided to give essential oils a try. I was already looking into natural living and finding ways to incorporate alternatives into our lives. I was mostly curious. I didn’t know if I would end up proving her wrong or becoming a crunchy mom that smelled like hemp, but I wanted to learn and give it a whirl.

Fast forward two years later, and I don’t smell like hemp (more of a citrus soft scent today) and we have benefited from Young Living essential oils in countless ways. They are part of our daily lives from drinking Ningxia Red in the morning, diffusing a scent to make the home smell lovely and to support our immune systems, applying oils during homework, adding a drop to my baking or cooking, spraying some Thieves spray on my hands after using a public restroom, cleaning without chemicals, applying them when someone is having trouble getting to sleep, and whatever else we might encounter uses for them throughout the day to help support our systems. It’s simple and instinctive now.


There was no accidental timing for essential oils coming into our home. It was one thing of many that supported us through a difficult time. It became an accidental business in the process, which allowed me to pour into other peoples lives and needs. It created relationships that I was lacking, it pushed me to be bolder, it helped me gain confidence, and it helped us financially in a significant way.


I’ve been cautious about sharing them too often here, because I don’t want to ever be salesy or pitchy, but I DO love helping others support their health and wellness. I love when I get success messages and thank you’s. I love when skeptics turn into “oilers”, and I love seeing families benefit from having essential oils in their homes.

Maybe you need a “Myra” in your life to propel you to give them a try.


I’m willing to be “that girl”.

I wanted to mention them this week, because it’s my 2 year anniversary with Young Living AND there happens to be a sale {super rare} on the Premium Starter Kit (which is how it all got started for me).


It’s really THE BEST value and opportunity to give them a try. 


And because I want to celebrate my 2 Year Anniversary with You, I’m offering a $20 product credit when you sign up with my member number (#1672711) through Feb. 29th! So that makes the savings of $36!!! I have all of the details and easy of follow steps for signing up here:


***If you take me up on this INCREDIBLE savings, please let me know in the comment section, so I can place the $20 on your account for future use!

4 thoughts on "A Two Year Journey…"

  1. Teigha Blankenbaker says:

    So excited to finally sign up and looking forward to starting my oily journey.

    1. I’m so so excited that you’re ready to get started, Teigha! I’ll be adding $20 to your account this week! Check your inbox and snail mail box for some goodies too!

  2. KIm says:

    I signed up for the young living essential oils through you.

    1. I’m so excited for you to get started, Kim! I’ll be adding $20 to your account this week! Check your inbox and snail mail box for some goodies too!

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